By Christopher Go

Late start on Jupiter this year.  Hoping for an exciting year with Jupiter.  The GRS is shrinking!

All images were taken using a Celestron  C14  mounted on an Astrophysics AP900GTO mount.  A Celestron Skyris 132M was use until April 2015.  Starting May 2015, I used a Skyris 236M camera.  RGB is done using a set of Chroma Technology RGB filters on a Starlight Xpress Motorized filter wheel.  Methane band images are done using a Chroma Methane Band filter (889nm  18nm bandpass).  UV images are done using a Astrodon UV filter.   Amplification is done using an Astrophysics Convertible Barlow working at 2.0X.

Image acquisition was done using  Torsten Edelmann's Firecapture 2.4 software.  All images are NORTH UP!   The Skyris camera is controlled by a Thinkpad T520 through the USB port.  Processing was done using AutoStakkert! and Registax.

These images were taken at Banilad,  Cebu City, Philippines. 

For more information on the names of various belts and zones of Jupiter and the meaning of the abbreviations I use please check the Sky and Telescope Jupiter Observing Guide.

All images of this site are my property.  If you wish to publish it on your site or print, please email me for permission.


My new C14!

My old images can be viewed at:
2007 Images   2008 Images   2011 Images ALPO Archives
2009 Images   2010 Images   2012 Images ALPO Japan Jupiter Section
2013 Images Jupiter with my C8
Nov 2014 - Feb 2015  
March-April 2015  


June 15, 2015 

I was not very optimistic I could image this evening.  The sky was mostly cloudy all day.  Fortunately, the clouds in the area around Jupiter thinned out.  Transparency was still poor but seeing was good.  I had to capture a lot of RGB sequence to these decent images.

White Spot Z is the prominent feature in these images.  The NEB preceding the WSZ has thinned out!   I wondering if this is caused by the interaction of WSZ with the dark feature preceding it. 

Europa can be seen on the EZ.  The SEBs shows the wake of the GRS.  The SEB north of the wake has a pale color.  The STB Ghost can be seen setting on the right.

June 12, 2015 

Imaging Jupiter is getting very tough as it gets lower and lower in the sky.  Heat plumes from the hour roof of our house is also affecting seeing badly!

The GRS can be seen just past the CM.  The wake of the GRS is very active.   Note the dark feature on wake of the GRS just north of the STB Ghost!  The SEB following the GRS has a very pale color.

The NEB is strangely quiet in this region and it has a deep red color.

June 9, 2015 

Transparency was poor this evening because of clouds.  Seeing was good but the heat from the roof of my house is already starting to affect the image.

The North Equatorial Belt (NEB) is very active in this region.  The outbreaks caused by the interaction of the EZ festoon with the NEB is creating complex rifts activity on the NEB.  Io can be seen on the EZ on the left.  Oval BA is setting on the right . The orange ring is well resolved and the white center can be seen.

June 8, 2015 

Condition was much better today.

White Spot Z looks to be having an interesting interaction.  Note the dark feature preceding WSZ.    Europa's shadow is on the EZ.   The NEB is narrow preceding the WSZ.  This spot seems to be affecting the NEB.

The SEB is active in the southern edge.

June 7, 2015 

It's been a while since my last image.   Monsoon season has begun and it has been quite cloudy here.  Seeing was good this evening but transparency was poor.

The GRS is rising on these images.  Note the details inside the GRS.   The NEB is very chaotic in the region after the CM.

For the past month,  I had been testing a prototype of a Celestron Skyris camera.  This is an interesting camera because of it's excellent visible light sensitivity and very high IR QE.  It is also very low noise and no artifacts. I will reveal more details of this camera in the coming weeks.  This camera will be available early next month.


June 2, 2015 

Seeing and transparency was good this evening.  I started imaging before sunset which caused some problem with the bright background.

The GRS is rising on the left while Oval BA is setting on the right.  Io and it's shadow can be seen at the EZ.  The NEB is very chaotic!  Complex outbreaks and strong EZ festoon interaction going on.  Note the dark band forming on the NNTB.

May 30, 2015 

Seeing was variable this evening.  Transparency was poor because of thin clouds.  I had to take a lot of data just to get one image!

Oval BA is rising on the left.  The orange ring is well resolved.  The area on the STB/SSTB just before the CM looks chaotic.    It is interesting that what seems to be a circulation is crossing the STB/SSTB!  There is a dark red spot right next to this area.  The south polar red spot can be seen past the CM.

The SEBn/SEBs is very active.  There are a lot of rifting on the NEB.  Note the reddish fin like feature on the NEBn.

There is an dark barge on the NTZ.  Note the two small ovals just south of this dark barge. Will these ovals merge?

May 29, 2015 

I started imaging a few minutes before sunset.  Fortunately, Venus was there to help me calibrate my mount to Jupiter.  Seeing was variable and transparency was poor because of clouds and poor contrast because of the bright sky.

The GRS is setting on this image.  The blue STB Ghost is close to the CM.   The wake of the GRS is very complex.  The northern part of the SEB has a very light color.

The NEB has a very dark color.  The area setting is the active area of the NEB while the region following it is quiet.

May 27, 2015 

It was mostly cloudy today.  I wasn't sure I could image but the sky cleared early this evening.  Unfortunately, I wasn't able to cool my OTA.

Note the activity on the NTB.  Looks like ovals interacting there.  White Spot Z is setting on the right.  The NEB looks quiet in this region.


May 26, 2015 

I was able to image Jupiter a few minutes BEFORE sunset!  Venus really helped in finding Jupiter just like yesterday.

The GRS is rising.  The SEBn continues to be chaotic due to the outbreak wake pushing to the north of the GRS.  The dark band on the SEBs seem to be forming a wave pattern.   Note the elongated feature between the two SSTB ovals.

The NEB is very chaotic in visible light.  Lots out outbreak and rift activity which may be associated with the NEB expansion.   Note the dark EZ festoon just past the CM which seems to be pushing into the NEB probably creating the convective outbreak.  Surprisingly, the NEB looks quiet in Methane band!

May 25, 2015 

Jupiter season is getting close to the end.  I had to start imaging before sunset.   Venus was a good guide for my mount and I was able to image earlier than before.  Seeing was perfect when I started imaging. Unfortunately, a few minutes after my first imaging run, sky conditions deteriorated!

The SPR red spot can be seen.  It is very low contrast but the reddish hint is obvious.  This spot is bright in CH4.   It is interesting to note that the STB is getting darkin CH4. 

The SEBn and SEBs continues to be active.  The NEB is quiet in this region.  Note the complex activity on the NEBn.  The grey spot on the NNTZ is very bright in CH4. Was this the NNTZ LRS?  Note the small ovals on the NTB that is creating complex activity there.

May 23, 2015 

Condition was challenging today because of clouds.  Transparency and seeing was variable.

Oval BA is well resolved.  The white center can be seen.  The SEBs continues to be active.  The SEB still has a strong red color in this region.  The NEB is quiet here.  But note the large elliptical red oval forming on the NEBn.

May 22, 2015 

Seeing was excellent when I started imaging.  But it deteriorated when I started to capture my second set of RGB.

The SEB has a very pale color in this region.  The wake of the GRS extends to this region.  The STB ghost seem to be interacting with the SSTB materials.  Note the light reddish band forming on the STrZ just below the STB.

The NEB has a very dark red color in contrast to the pale SEB.  The NEBn is very complex.  White Spot Z has a very white center.

May 21, 2015 

I had to image late today because I had to attend a meeting.  Seeing was good.  This is probably the most active image of Jupiter I have taken this season.

The GRS is well resolved.  Note the northern part of the  halo is prominent in the Methane band image.  Europa is on the EZ.   Lots of outbreaks in the NEB.  Callisto's shadow is on the NEB.

May 20, 2015 

Condition was perfect this evening.  Jupiter is now moving away and it is getting tougher to image Jupiter as it heads towards the sun.

The SEB is active in this region.  White Spot Z is setting on this image.   The northern edge of the NEB has a lot of complex activity.  

Note the reddish coloration the area around the NTB/NNTZ.   The large white spot on the NNTZ is very bright in methane band and is followed by a dark cyclonic red spot.

May 19, 2015 

Transparency was very poor this evening because of thin clouds.  Seeing was good.

The GRS is at the CM of these images.   The wake of the GRS is very complex.  Note the area of the SEB north of the wake has a very pale color.    However, the area preceding the GRS has a very strong deep red color.  The northern rim of the GRS extending to the preceding side of the SEBn has a strong red band.

The NEB is very active in the region with a lot of outbreaks and rift activity.


May 18, 2015 

Seeing was good this evening.  But my session was cut short because of clouds.

Oval BA is rising on the left.  Note the dark cycle preceding Oval BA.  Note the dark band on the SEBs and the complex activity in the SEBn.

The NEB has some faint rift activity.

May 17, 2015 

Seeing was good this evening. 

The GRS is setting on these images.   The wake of the GRS i s very complex.  The STB ghost (the blue feature on the STB) is well resolved.  This feature is still dark on CH4.

The NEB directly north of the GRS has a lot of rift activity.  While the area following it looks quiet.  But the northern edge of the NEB in this quiet region has some interesting activity.

Volcanic Io is on the EZ.

May 16, 2015 

Seeing unstable this evening.

Oval BA is setting when I took these images.   The SEBn  is very active.   Note the unusual feature on the NEBn just past the CM.  Is a new oval forming here or is the NEB extending.

May 15, 2015 

Seeing was variable this evening.

The White Spot Z is still white.  Note the complex area preceding the WSZ.  The NEB has a dark red color but no outbreaks here.

The SEB quiet in this region.

May 14, 2015 

May 14, 2015 

Seeing was great this evening. 

The GRS is well resolved.   Note the very dark northern halo of the GRS.   The outbreak following the GRS is very complex.   Europa can be seen on the EZ.

Note the complex rift on the NEB.   Lots of violent interaction between the EZ and the NEB.  Note the dark band forming on the SSTB.

May 13, 2015 

I had an interesting imaging session this evening.  While imaging, I was attacked by hundreds of insects (a type of fly).  It was very irritating!  Seeing was average.

The SSTB white spots are clear.  Note the large cyclone at the SSTB at the CM of the first image.  The SEB looks quiet in this region.  The NEB is also quiet but very wide!


May 12, 2015 

Seeing was variable this evening.   

The GRS is setting on these images.  The wake of the GRS is very complex.  The STB ghost is well resolved.  The NEB is very active in this region.  There are a lot of outbreak on the NEB. and complex rifts.  Dark moon Callisto can also be seen on the right side of Jupiter's disk.

May 11, 2015 

Condition was very bad here during the last 3 days because of Super Typhoon Noul.  Fortunately things were very good this evening!  Seeing was excellent!

Oval BA is well resolved in these images.  Note the center white ring has a dark border!  This dark feature is also visible in the IR image.  Note that the SPR has a darkish on visible light.

There is a very dark band on the SEBs. Note the small white spot on the mid-SEB!  The SEBn has a lot of complex activity!

There are light rifts on the NEB.  There seem to be some dark features on the NEBn. 

May 7, 2015 

Transparency was poor this evening because of thin clouds.  Seeing was also variable.

The GRS has a very strong red-orange color.  The northern edge of the GRS halo is very dark.   There are a lot of outbreaks following the GRS.  Europa's shadow is leaving the EZ.  The SEB is very active in this region.

May 5, 2015 

Condition was variable this evening.   I have some changes in my imaging setup.  I am now using a Chroma CH4 filter.   My IR filter is now a Chroma 715nm pass filter.

The GRS is setting on the first image.   Note the complex wake of the GRS.   The STB Ghost seems to be developing a structure.  This feature is very dark in CH4!

The NEB is very active in this region.    White Spot Z is rising in the second image.

May 4, 2015 

It was mostly cloudy this evening.  But I got a small clearing around Jupiter.  I was only able to capture a RGB sequence.

Oval BA is setting on this image while the GRS is rising on the left.  The SEB has a lot of activity on it's northern edge.  There seems to be some weak rift activity on the NEB in this region.

May 3, 2015 

Seeing was better this evening.  But transparency was poor because of clouds! 

The White Spot Z is prominent in these images.  There are some very dark red spots on the NEBn.    Note the reddish band on the NTB. 

The SEB looks quiet in this region.




Copyright 2015 Christopher Go (chris@cstoneind.com)