JUPITER 2019 SEASON By Christopher Go All images were taken using a Celestron C14 mounted on an Astrophysics AP900GTO mount. A QHY 290M camera was used is these images. RGB is done using a set of Chroma Technology RGB filters on a Starlight Xpress Motorized filter wheel. Methane band images are done using a Chroma Methane Band filter (889nm 18nm bandpass). UV images are done using a Astrodon UV filter. Amplification is done using an Astrophysics Advance Convertible Barlow working at 2.0X. Image acquisition was done using Torsten Edelmann's Firecapture 2.5beta 64bit software. All images are NORTH UP! Processing was done using AutoStakkert! and Registax. These images were taken at Banilad, Cebu City, Philippines. For more information on the names of various belts and zones of Jupiter and the meaning of the abbreviations I use please check the Sky and Telescope Jupiter Observing Guide. All images of this site are my property. If you wish to publish it on your site or print, please email me for permission. |
CelestronC14! My old images can be viewed at:
2019 It has been close to 2 months since my last image. Condition here had been terrible. The SW Monsoon began last July. During September to early this month, we were affected by the haze from the fires in Indonesia. Seeing was not only bad but transparency was around 1-2/10! The NE monsoon has began and it brought rain that cleared the haze. Seeing was unstable today and Jupiter is getting low in the sky. Oval BA can be seen setting on the right. The mid-SEB is pale. Note the two bright feature on the SEB close to the CM. The NEB is quiet in this region. The color of the NEB is a contrast with the current color of the SEB.
2019 Condition was very poor today. Seeing was unstable and transparency was poor due to clouds. Oval BA can be seen in these images. It is white. The SEB is mostly pale in this region except for the dark southern edge. The NEB is quiet in this region. The south polar red spot can be seen just after the CM.
2019 We have been having monsoon weather for the past few weeks. Seeing was terrible today due the the SW winds. Here are images of the GRS and the impact area. The wake of the GRS is complex. Note the dark spot on the wake. There is no brightening on the methane band image so the impact did not leave any remnant. The northern half of the SEB has basically faded! |
July 26,
2019 We have been having monsoon weather here for the past week. Seeing is still poor due to the SW monsoon winds. The GRS looks elongated. Note the flake bulge on the p side. The chimney above the GRS has shutdown! The NEB looks very narrow in this region. WSZ can be seen on the NTrZ.
July 19,
2019 Condition was very poor today. Seeing was very bad and transparency was very low due to clouds and haze. The GRS continues to be active. The chimney above the GRS has shut down! There is a bright spot on the f side of the GRS. Is this the SEB ring about to go through the GRS circulation? Another SEB ring is coming in on the NE of the GRS. In the methane band, there seems to be a flake break out on the east side of the GRS. The NEB is quiet in this region. White Spot Z still shows the methane bright north edge.
July 18,
2019 We had monsoon weather for the last week due to TS Danas (Falcon). The sky finally cleared but seeing was still unstable. This is a quiet region of Jupiter. The SEB is mostly pale but red material from the GRS region is slowly filling in. The NEB is dark with white ovals lining up on the NEBn. Two festoons on the EZn at the CM are very dark in methane band. Oval BA is rising on the left on the second image.
July 11,
2019 It was mostly cloudy again today. We had a short clearing and I was able to get these images before the sky became overcast again. Seeing was good but transparency was variable. Oval BA can be seen setting on the right. It is white. The SEB at the CM shows an interesting feature. Small ovals seem to be congregating here. The GRS is rising on the left. The NEB shows rifts.
July 10,
2019 The sky was mostly cloudy today. I only had enough time to capture a set of RGB and IR. Seeing was average but transparency was poor. The SEB is very pale in this region. The SEBn/STrZ is very active probably due to the activity in the GRS. The NEB is dark and narrow. Note the grey streak on the NNTB. |
July 9,
2019 Condition was challenging today. We had a huge thunderstorm early in the evening. The sky clear a little bit but it was very hazy. Transparency was poor but seeing was surprisingly good. The "flake" of the GRS is now on the west side of the GRS! This can be seen on the methane band image. Note the "chimney" above the GRS is getting narrow. Note the oval ring which seems to be stock on the "chimney". The "fin" formation seem to have stopped. The outbreaks on the wake of the GRS is still active. The NEB is very dark but narrow. White Spot Z can also be seen. |
July 7,
2019 Seeing was below average today due to the SW monsoon winds. The GRS looks deformed in methane band. There seems to be a faint bulge on the NE of the GRS. The halo of the GRS is very enlarged. The chimney above the GRS seem to be narrowing. Note the bright outbreak on the wake of the GRS! White Spot Z is prominent on the NEBn above the GRS. |
July 5,
2019 We have been having heavy monsoon rains here. Today I had a short break. Seeing was poor and transparency was variable due to clouds. The GRS is setting on these images. Note the bulge on the p side with a flake forming. The SEB is very pale on the f side of the GRS. The EZ still has the strong ochre hue.
July 2,
2019 We had monsoon weather for 2 weeks now. I was not expecting to image today because it was very cloudy early in the evening. But the sky cleared. Unfortunately, I did not cool my OTA so the image quality is not good due to tube currents. The GRS is just past the meridian. Note the extensions on the E and SW. Note the flake activity on the f side of the GRS. The flake extension is bright in methane band. The SEB ring is now below the "chimney" and it is very elongated. The NEB is dark and narrow.
June 22,
2019 The sky was clear this evening after an early evening rain. Unfortunately, the seeing was variable! Sometimes seeing was perfect. But in between, Jupiter turned into a formless blob. Here are some of the best images last night. The earlier possible flake has faded. There is only a slight hint of it on the west side of the GRS within the outer ring. The remnant can be seen on the methane band image. There are two incoming ovals on the p side of the GRS. The chimney is also getting narrow! The next few days should be interesting as the ovals get near the GRS. On the methane band images, note the dark patches on the north polor hood. White Spot Z is very prominent on the NTrZ above the GRS.
June 21,
2019 Happy Solstice. Seeing was fair today but with periods of instability. This is the region opposite that of the GRS. Things are more quiet here. The little red spot close to the south pole can be seen in these images. The SEBn shows the small ovals that are headed towards the GRS. The rest of the SEB is pale. The NEB is dark and narrow. |
June 20,
Excellent conditions today!
The new "flake" has moved to the NW side of the GRS!! It seems like it is about to break off in the methane band image? The GRS is well resolved with a lot of details inside the GRS. Note the outer ring of the GRS. Will this be filled up with red material. Look at the bright area on the SW of the GRS. These are small white ovals. It seems that when these small white ovals gather in that position of the GRS, the strange "fins" are created! Note that this pattern can be seen on the "fins" that are lining up on the p side of the GRS! The small ovals that went through the GRS halo are now moving away from the GRS along with the material it got form the GRS. White Spot Z has become dark in IR and in some areas dark in methane band! The p side is black while the f side is red!
June 19,
I had to quick imaging run this evening which was
cut short by clouds.
Oval BA is rising on the left. The South Polar red spot is also prominent. The SEBs has small ovals lined up headed towards the GRS. Note the bright feature on the SEBn rising on the left. This feature is bright in visible, IR and CH4 band. The STB shows some complex bluish streaks. The EZ still has the reddish haze. The NEB shows a bright outbreak.
June 18,
I had to image early today to catch the GRS.
Seeing was variable because Jupiter was only 40 deg above the
The GRS is active again. Note the extension on the NE quadrant of the GRS. Will this lead to another flake event? This feature is very prominent in the methane band. Note the bluish material on the W-S of the GRS. Is this material from the STB remnant? The NEB is very dark in this region.
June 17,
Condition was a bit frustrating today.
The sky was partially cloudy and I had to image through holes the in
the clouds. Seeing was variable with times of good seeing.
The GRS continues to evolve. Note the east side of the GRS. A red extension is forming. This feature is prominent on the methane band image. Will this extension flake off or will the GRS grow? On the IR image, note the two bright ovals inside the GRS. The GRS halo is still very enlarged and the "chimney" above the GRS seem to be close down compared to the image 2 days ago. The small red ovals on the p side of the GRS are moving away from the GRS. These features form a very bright streak on the methane band. WSZ is dark in IR and CH4 but the area above it is very bright in IR and methane band. |
June 15,
Condition was challenging this evening.
Seeing was fair but transparency was very poor. The main
problem was that clouds would suddenly form around Jupiter and
linger for around 15-20 min then break up and clear up. This
process happened 3 times while I was imaging!
The GRS has shrunk and is very close to round now. The halo of the GRS is very enlarged. Note the dark ring around the GRS and the dark spot on the NW side of the GRS. The small red ovals on the p side of the GRS are well resolved and these feature is very bright in methane band. The outbreak on the f side of the GRS looks turbulent. On the northern temperate zone, the previously two dark spots that I observed on June 12 has already merged! On my last images, Io can be seen about to transit into Jupiter.
June 14,
The SW monsoon has been affecting the weather
here. We had a strong thunderstorm early in the evening.
Fortunately the sky cleared, But seeing was horrible! I
spent about an hour imaging and only a set was good.
Oval BA can be seeing rising on these images. Oval BA is still very pale. The SEB looks very complex. Note the bright area on the SEBs just before the CM. The NEB is dark and narrow. The south polar red spot can be seen on the lower right.
June 13,
Frustrating night. Seeing was fair but
transparency was poor. I was only able to capture a set of RGB
due to clouds.
The GRS is very round now. Note the red ovals and material on the f side of the GRS. This feature is very bright in methane band. Note the dark ring on the GRS halo around the GRS. Note the methane bright feature on the SEBn on the right.
June 12,
I had a brief respite from the monsoon weather
here. The sky was mostly cloudy last night but cleared for
half an hour for me to take these images. Seeing was
excellent! Unfortunately, clouds rolled in before the
GRS reached the CM.
There are a lot of details on these images. Oval BA is setting on the right. Note the feature NW Oval BA on the SEB is very dark in methane band. The GRS has become close to round! Note the red ovals on the p side of the GRS. This region is very bright in methane band. The outbreak of the GRS is really pushing into the GRS halo. The "chimney" (as described by Anthony Wesley) above the GRS is very prominent. Note the bright streak on the SEBn at the CM. This feature is also bright in methane band. On the extreme north, note the two small dark spot kissing each other. Will these merge? White Spot Z is prominent on the NEBn above the GRS. WSZ is dark in methane band.
June 11,
Condition has been bad during the past few days.
Monsoon season has started in our region. Seeing has been
horrible and clouds and rain dominate our weather.
Today is the day after opposition. Europa and it's shadow can still be seen close to each other. The mid SEB is pale with the SEBs is dark with ovals lining up. The NEB is dark and has a lot of rifts.
June 1,
Poor imaging conditions today. I had to
image early to catch the GRS. Jupiter was less than 40deg when
I took these images. Transparency was poor due to clouds and
More flake material is coming out on the SE of the GRS. This is different from the one imaged by Anthony Wesley last week as the material is not in contact with the GRS. The other red spot has emerged from the halo and now there are two small red spot moving away from the GRS. Note that red material is again forming on the west side of the GRS. Io and it's shadow can be seen on the NEBn. WSZ is also prominent. Ganymede can be see on the lower left of Jupiter. I will be travelling on holiday today. So I won't be imaging until 9 June.
May 31,
Conditions was challenging today. Clouds
were a problem during the start of my imaging session. But
seeing deteriorated when the sky cleared.
The area around the GRS is very active. The flake material has now emerged at the SE of the GRS as predicted. This feature is very bright in methane band. This time around, it is the western side of the GRS that is disturbed. Note the outbreak NW of the GRS! It is now pushing the halo of the GRS. The little red spot of the p side of the GRS is moving away from the GRS. This spot is bright in methane band. It is interesting to note that in the methane band image, it seems like the GRS is pushing towards the STB. Has the GRS shifted south? The NEB is dark and narrow. The WSZ is still prominent.
May 29,
Seeing was fair today.
There is a lot of activity going on in the GRS. Note the new little red spot on the p side of the GRS! The previous little red spot has encountered the incoming white spot. The east side of the GRS is distorted. Note the IR bright features on the E and NE of the GRS. These coincide with what appears to be red spots INSIDE the GRS! The red streak around the GRS seems faded in the color image but it is can be seen in the methane band image. The "Flake" material has not pushed south of the GRS! This can clearly be seen on the methane band image. White Spot Z can be seen above the GRS on the NEBn. Note the methane band of this region shows that WSZ is dark in the middle but bright on the edge. Note what appears to be a white plume on the EZ/NEBs above the GRS. This feature is bright in methane band.
May 27,
The GRS had active lately so I adjusted my
schedule to image it. This evening, I had to image early with
Jupiter around 40deg altitude. Seeing was good and
transparency excellent!
The region around the GRS is again very active. Note the HUGE FLAKING on the f side of the GRS. The next few days will be interesting as the oval embedded on this flake moves around the GRS. Note also there a small red oval to the east of the GRS embedded on the reddish "flake" material. This oval is very bright in methane band! The red stream that seems to connect this red oval to the new flake is still visible and very prominent in methane band! The halo of the GRS has swollen. The wake of the GRS is also very turbulent. Is the wake of the GRS interacting with the ovals intensifying it as it passes between the GRS and the wake?
May 26,
Transparency was poor today due to haze and
clouds. Seeing was excellent. I had to take a lot
of data to get these images. The GRS has been through a lot
during the last few weeks.
While capturing data, the GRS looked strange. Note the red extension on the f side. Is the small oval creating this disturbance on the GRS? The red stream on the p side is also interesting. Has the GRS shifted south or the halo extended north? Note also a group of small ovals on the SE of the GRS. Note also that some parts inside the GRS have become dark in Methane Band. The wake of the GRS shows multiple outbreaks. The White Spot Z can be seen due north of the GRS. The NEB remains very dark with a lot of rifts.
May 25,
I finally caught the GRS! The past few days
have been exciting with the GRS. It has been battered by an
SEBs oval and seem to have shrunk in the process. I had to
image early with Jupiter only around 30 deg to get these images.
The GRS is setting so I can only get a few details. Seeing was
okay but transparency was very poor when I took the first image!
The images improve as Jupiter got higher.
The GRS is more circular now. The reddish material with the oval is moving on the p side of the GRS. Note that this material shows as a bright streak on the IR and CH4 images. The wake of the GRS shows multiple outbreaks and these are prominent on the methane band images. The NEB is dark and narrow.
May 23,
The sky was very hazy today. Seeing was
good but transparency was poor.
Oval BA is rising on the left. Note the bluish features on the p side of Oval BA. The SEBs show small ovals lining up. The mid-SEB is very pale. The EZ has a strong ochre color. Io is on the NEBn with it's shadow preceding it. Close to the south pole, there is a dark wavy dark line.
May 22,
I overslept today and totally missed the GRS.
Condition was very good when I took these images.
Note the reddish haze spilling over the mid-SEB. THe NEB shows complex rifting.
May 21,
We are having an early monsoon here.
Fortunately, the sky cleared this morning. Seeing was variable
but mostly excellent. Transparency was poor due to haze.
Oval BA is still mostly white. The wake of Oval BA is complex. Above Oval BA is an interesting feature on the SEB. The barge is surrounded by a bright haze. The NEB looks quiet in this region. Ganymede is approaching Jupiter and the south polar cap is resolved. Some albedo features can also be seen. |
May 17,
We had rainy weather during the last few days.
The sky cleared today but dew was a challenge and I had to deal also
with haze.
The GRS is well resolved in these images. The left side the the GRS shows a reddish extension. There is a bright outbreak on the wake of the GRS. Note the oval inside the GRS! Note the methane band bright feature on the p side of the GRS. The NEB shows rifting. It is dark and narrow. The WSZ is still above the GRS. Europa and it's shadow is transiting Jupiter.
May 13,
Condition was perfect today.
Oval BA is rising on the left. The South Polar Red Spot can also be seen just past the CM. The SEB is mostly pale but very active in this region. The NEB is dark but narrow. Note the bright band in Methane Band above the NEB.
May 12,
Seeing was perfect this morning but I had to deal
with some periods of thin clouds. These are my best images for
the season.
The GRS and its surrounding region continue to be very active. The GRS is well resolved and many features visible inside the GRS. Note the large white oval just east of the GRS! There is a bright outbreak on the wake of the GRS. Note what looks like three white spot between the GRS and the outbreak. The NEB is quiet in this region. WSZ is not bright in methane band.
May 10,
Condition was challenging today. Seeing was
only 7-8/10 and transparency was variable due to clouds.
The GRS is setting on these images. The dark stream surrounding the GRS is still prominent. The dark core of the GRS is well resolved. The edge of the GRS is also dark. Note the methane brights streak on the wake of the GRS. Although the SEBn is turbulent and active, the mid-SEB is very pale! The EZ still has the reddish haze. The NEB is quiet in this region and the WSZ can be seen above the GRS. Europa is at the edge of the NTB.
May 9,
Condition was perfect today.
Oval BA is prominent in these images. The orange ring on BA seems to be forming again. The wake of Oval BA looks very turbulent. Note the barge on the SEBn above Oval BA. The NEB is dark. Note the dark red spots on the NEBn. The GRS is rising on the left. On the methane band, note the bright extension on the p side of the GRS. |
May 8,
I just returned from my trip to Cartagena,
Colombia. Seeing was excellent last night but
transparency was very poor due to clouds and haze.
The SEB is very pale this this region. Note the white ovals on the pale mid-SEB, The South Polar Red Spot is prominent on this image. The NEB has complex rifts.
May 1,
Condition was good this evening here in Baru.
This will be our last image for this trip from Colombia.
The SEBs shows the dark material from the wake of the GRS. Note the bluish feature on the STB with a white spot on it. The NEB show riftings.
April 30,
I travelled to the island of Baru, Cartagena,
Colombia to test out the site for planetary imaging. We had
issues of dew during our imaging runs. Seeing was actually
The GRS is prominent on these images. Note the dark strip of material surrounding the GRS. There is an outbreak on the wake of the GRS. The NEB is dark in this region. The WSZ can be seen above the GRS on the NEBn. Ganymede is about to transit Jupiter. Note the south polar cap of Ganymede is resolved.
April 21,
Condition was fair today. My imaging run was
short because of clouds. I am flying to Los Angeles
today. I will be resuming my imaging at Cartagena, Colombia
this Thursday for a few days.
The SEB is pale in this region. Note the ovals lining up on the SEBs. The NEB has complex rift activity.
April 20,
Condition was variable today. Seeing was
mostly fair but deteriorated towards the end of the session.
The GRS is well resolved in these images. There is a complex interaction with the SEB. Note the small methane bright spot on the northern halo of the GRS. There is a very bright outbreak on the NEB.
April 18,
Condition was perfect again today.
Note the bluish feature on the STB. It seems to be making a U turn. This feature is dark on IR. Note the white spots on the southern edge of this feature. The SEB is very pale. The EZ still has the reddish haze. There are a lot of details resolved in the Temperate zones.
April 17,
Perfect conditions today!
A lot of details are resolved all over the planet. Oval BA is pale. The GRS is rising on the left. Note the extension on the north side of the GRS. This extension is bright in methane band. The SEBn is turbulent. The NEB is dark. Note the reddish feature on the NEBn close to the CM.
April 16,
Seeing was good today.
The SEB is very pale in this region. The SPR red spot can be seen. The NEB has some complex rifts. Note the methane band image shows a bright streak on the NTrZ. This seems to be associated with anticyclonic spots.
April 15,
Seeing was fair today. Transparency was
variable due to dew.
The GRS is well resolved in these images. The area surrounding the GRS is very chaotic. The reddish outflow on the f side is gone. But there seems to be some remnants on the wake. Note the dark barge on the p side of the GRS. The shape of the GRS in Methane band looks sharp on the p side. White Spot Z can be seen above the GRS. The NEB shows a lot of rifting. Europa can be seen on the NNTZ. Ganymede's shadow can also be seen on the send RGB image on the upper left.
April 13,
Condition was fair today.
The GRS is setting on the right. Note the reddish extension from the GRS to it's f side on the SEB. This feature is bright in methane band. The wake of the GRS is turbulent. The SEBn has a very light color in fact it looks yellow like the EZ! The NEB looks quiet there.
April 12,
Came back from my trip to NEAF/NEAIC.
Seeing was fair today.
Oval BA is prominent on these images. The inside of Oval BA is pale orange. The SEBn is turbulent. Note the dark barge NNE of Oval BA on the SEBs. The EZ still has the reddish haze. The NEB is quiet in this region. It is dark and narrow.
March 31,
Seeing was very variable today. I had
to throw in a lot of data to get a decent image.
The GRS is rising on the left. Note the methane band image of the GRS looks very strange due to the bright extensions. Note also the bright bluish "tail" on the p side of the GRS. The SEBs has a dark maroon color. Note that the small AWO south of the GRS has not merged! Oval BA is past the CM with a pale peach color. The reddish smudge on the EZs has just past the GRS.
March 30,
Seeing was variable this morning.
There is a very bright outbreak on the NEB! This outbreak is very bright in methane band! Note the TWO circular feature on the NEB at the CM of the first image. This is similar to the circular spot Phil Miles and Anthony Wesley first noticed this a few days ago on another region of the planet. The SEB is pale in this region. NOte the small ovals lining up at the SEBs.
March 29,
Transparency was poor this morning due to thin
clouds. Seeing was fair.
The GRS is well resolved in these images. Note the red extension of the GRS on the f side which seems to be leaking into the SEB. The wake of the GRS is very turbulent. The shape of the GRS in Methane band shows the red extension. Note the two tiny Anti-cyclonic White Ovals (AWO) below the GRS on the STB. As Damian noted, these two seem to be close to merging. Both of these AWO are bright in methane band. The NEB looks quiet in this region. Io can be seen on the NEBn. Above Io is the White Oval Z. There are a good number of small white ovals on the NNTZ. Two small white ovals on the NNTZ seem to be right next to each other. This can be seen on the 2nd color image just before the CM.
March 27,
Condition was fair today but I had to deal with
The GRS is setting on these images. Note the dark material on the SEBs along the wake of the GRS. The EZ still has the reddish haze. Lots of rifts on the NEB.
March 25,
Condition was close to perfect today. I had
a late start in imaging. I only got one set of methane band
before the sky was just to bright to image.
The SEB is very pale in this region. Small ovals are lining up on the SEBs. The dark area of the NEB is very thin in the methane band image. Note the tadpole like feature on the NNTZ at the CM.
March 23,
Condition was fair today.
The SEB looks quiet in this region. There are dark ovals lining up on the SEBs/STrZs area. The South Polar red spot can be seen. The NEB is dark.
March 22,
Seeing was still variable today.
The GRS is setting on these images. The wake of the GRS is very turbulent. Note the reddish feature on the EZs close to the CM. The NEB has many complex rifts.
March 21,
Seeing was actually variable this morning but
these images were take when seeing was very good.
Oval BA has a pale orange color. The "red" ring might be reforming. There is a blue streak preceding Oval BA. (John Roger: Is this the Spectre or the Ghost?_ Note the barge on the SEBn at the CM of these images. The northern edge of the SEB has a very dark maroon color. The EZ still has the reddish haze. There is an outbreak on the NEB. The Ice moon Europa can be seen on the NNTZ.
March 19,
Seeing was variable today with some short periods
of good seeing.
The GRS and Oval BA can be seen in these images. The GRS has a strong reddish color. The dark red band on the SEB preceding the GRS si very prominent. Oval BA has a pale orange color. The mid EZ has a reddish haze. The NEB has some rifts. The dark brown barge is prominent on the NNTZ.
March 17,
It was very blustery this morning.
Seeing was good but wind gust was a problem.
The GRS can be see with its very dark color and the center core resolved. The wake of the GRS is very turbulent. Note the dark red strip on the SEB preceding the GRS. The EZ still has the reddish haze and the SEBn following the GRS has a yellow color similar to the EZ. The NEB is quiet in this region. White Oval Z can been seen above the GRS on the NEBn. Note the dark brown barge on the NNTZ on the right. This feature was imaged by Juno recently.
March 15,
Another day of unstable seeing.
The SEB in this regions looks like an extension of EZ. The NEB has complex rifts but mostly quiet in this region. Note the white oval at the NPR which is prominent in the IR image.
March 14,
Seeing was so unstable this morning because of N
Oval BA can be clear seen on these images. It still has a pale orange color. The SEBn is very dark. Note the oval feature just above the dark NEBn band at the CM of the first image. This feature seem to be dark in methane band. The GRS is rising on the left of the later images. The NEB is quiet in this region. 3 moons are featured in these images. Icy Europa is transiting at the North Temperate region of Jupiter. Volcanic Io can be seen in the methane band image to the left of the GRS. Ganymede is peeking out at the 7'o clock position of the 2nd color image.
March 12,
Dew was a big problem this morning. I had
to wipe the corrector every 2 minutes! Seeing was also
variable. I was lucky that there was a short span of good
THe GRS is well resolved in this image. Note the details inside the GRS. The SEB preceding the GRS is very deep red. The wake of the GRS is very turbulent. White Oval Z is on the NEBn above the GRS.
March 10,
The sky was again hazy this morning.
Transparency was poor and seeing was variable. Again no
Methane Band image today due to poor transparency.
The GRS is setting on the right. The wake of the GRS is turbulent. The mid-EZ in this region shows the strong red haze. The NEB is narrow and dark. |
March 9,
I had to image through thin clouds this morning.
Seeing was fair but transparency was very poor. I was unable
to capture methane band data due to poor transparency.
Oval BA can be seen with a pale orange color. Is it trying to turn red again? The GRS can be seen peeking out of the left on the IR image. There is an interesting barge on the SEBs just before the CM. The SEBn is very turbulent in this region. The reddish hue of the EZ is very strong in this region. The NEB is quiet in this region.
March 8,
Variable seeing again today. I had to hand
pick the good images for derotation.
This is the quiet side of Jupiter. The SEB is very pale here and it almost seems to have the same color as the EZ. The NEB has some rifting. What is interesting to note is that the dark part of the NEB in Methane Band is very narrow!
March 7,
Condition was variable today. Seeing was sometime
excellent with periods of fuzzy seeing. Transparency was also
variable due to clouds. But I am happy with the results today.
The GRS is prominent on this image.. The dark core is well resolved. Note the dark streak on the p side of the GRS. The wake of the GRS shows some outbreaks. These are bright in methane band. Oval BA has a pale orange color. This can be confirmed on the blue channel where Oval BA is a little dark. White Spot Z on the NEBn can be seen NW of the GRS.
March 6,
Condition was poor today.
The SEB is pale in this region while the NEB is dark. Io is transiting on the NEB.
March 4,
Condition was good today.
There a lot of details captured in these images. The South Polar Red Spot is prominent and close to the CM on the first RGB image. Oval BA is rising on the second image and it shows a light orange color. The SEB is turbulent in this region. THe NEB looks quiet in this region except of the area .
Seeing was variable today.
The South Polar Red Spot can be seen in this image. The SEB is light in this region. The NEB is quiet and very dark.
Seeing was much better today.
The GRS can be seen setting on the far right. The wake of the GRS is featured in these images. Note also the two small white ovals on the SSTB to the right of the CM. Will they merge? The EZ has reddish shade.
The past few days has been crazy. The sky
would be clear all day until around 4-6am which is prime time for
Jupiter imaging! The sky cleared early today at around 5am.
Oval BA can be seen rising on the right. Note that it has a pale orange color. This spot was white a week ago. In methane band, Oval BA is brightening again! Will it turn red? Coincidentally, yesterday was the 13th anniversary of the discovery of Oval BA turning red. The GRS can be seen peeking on the right of the IR image. The SEB is a contrast of colors with the dark band on the SEBs and the pale mid-SEB. The NEB is dark and narrow.
I finally got a decent image of Jupiter with the
The GRS is well resolved in these images. Note the dark center core. Following the GRS is what looks like an outbreak. This feature is not very bright in methane band. So this might not be the outbreak that will revive the SEB. The dark band on the SEBn around the GRS looks veyr interesting. Parts of the wake following the GRS is bright in methane band. The White Spot Z can be seen north of the GRS. In methane band, a slight brightening can be seen in the area of this feature.
The weather has been frustrating during the last
week. It is clear most of the day except for around dawn.
I was fortunate today that the sky cleared a few minutes before
sunrise. Seeing was still unstable.
The SEB is very pale while the EZ still has a strong ochre color. The reddish band on the EZs can still be seen. The is an outbreak on the NEB.
Condition was poor again today. This was
due to the N winds.
The NEB is quiet in this region. The EZ has a strong ochre color with an amber tinge.
Condition was very poor today.
The GRS has a very strong color. Oval BA is moving away from the GRS. The southern edge of the SEB is very dark.
Condition was poor today. The atmosphere
was very unstable.
Most of the SEB has become pale except for its southern edge and the mid-SEB. Oval BA can be seen rising on the left in the methane band image. The NEB is very dark in contrast to the SEB.
Condition was good today.
SEB is fading. The color of the SEB is very similar to the color of the EZ! The SEBn is very dark. There is a faint bluish feature on the STB. Is the the STB Spectre or Ghost? This feature is dark in methane band. There are some ovals visible on the SPR. These are prominent in the IR image. The EZ has a strong reddish haze. The NEB is narrow with a lot of rifting. Note the subtle reddish band on the NTB.
Condition was better today compared to yesterday
but seeing was still a bit unstable. Transparency was poor.
The GRS is setting on the right. Note the reddish patch following the GRS. This feature is bright in methane band. The SEB is indeed fading! The SEBn has basically lost color! The EZ has a reddish hue. The NEB looks quiet in this region.
We are currently experiencing the NE monsoon.
This brought a lot of cloudy skies here in our region.
It was clear this morning but seeing was poor due to the low
altitude of Jupiter.
Oval BA can be seen rising on the lower left. Oval BA is still bright in CH4. Note the SEB seems to be fading! Note the dark red barge on the mid SEB. The EZ has a strong yellow color with a reddish band on the mid-EZ. The EZ is very bright in CH4. There is a bright outbreak on the NEB.
Condition was terrible today. Transparency
was poor because I had to image through clouds. Seeing was
also poor.
The mid-EZ seems to be forming a reddish belt. I had observed this on my previous image but it is much clearer now. The SEBs has a very dark.
2019 Here is my first image of Jupiter for this season. Imaging was a bit challenging because Jupiter is so low in the sky, less than 25 deg! Seeing was terrible but I had to capture something. The GRS and Oval BA can be seen on these images. The GRS still has very strong orange color. One thing interesting is that Oval BA looks WHITE! This is probably due to the quality of the image. In Methane Band, BA is not as bright as before. The entire EZ has a dark yellow color with the EZs having a reddish hue. FYI, those who are using QHY series 3 cameras should update to the latest Windows 10 driver. I went crazy this morning when my laptop refuses to recognize my camera! Fortunately, the latest Win 10 driver fixed this problem.
Copyright 2017 Christopher Go (chris@cstoneind.com)