By Christopher Go

All images were taken using a Celestron  C14  mounted on an Astrophysics AP900GTO mount.  A QHY 290M camera was used is these images.    RGB is done using a set of Chroma Technology RGB filters on a Starlight Xpress Motorized filter wheel.  Methane band images are done using a Chroma Methane Band filter (889nm  18nm bandpass).  UV images are done using a Astrodon UV filter.   Amplification is done using an Astrophysics Advance Convertible Barlow working at 2.0X.

Image acquisition was done using  Torsten Edelmann's Firecapture 2.5beta 64bit software.  All images are NORTH UP!     Processing was done using AutoStakkert! and Registax.

These images were taken at Banilad,  Cebu City, Philippines. 

For more information on the names of various belts and zones of Jupiter and the meaning of the abbreviations I use please check the Sky and Telescope Jupiter Observing Guide.

All images of this site are my property.  If you wish to publish it on your site or print, please email me for permission.



My old images can be viewed at:
2007 Images   2008 Images   2011 Images ALPO Archives
2009 Images   2010 Images   2012 Images ALPO Japan Jupiter Section
2013 Images   2014 Images   2015 Images Jupiter with my C8
2016 Images   2018 Images   2019 Images  




June 22, 2020

I was planning to image at around midnight but it was raining hard during that time.  Went back to sleep.  Woke up at close to 2am to find the sky has cleared.  Went to image but clouds suddenly appeared.  Since the GRS was rising, I waited for close to 35 min for the sky to clear.  I was not disappointed.  Seeing was average although transparency was poor.

This image shows a very rare treat.  Callisto is in transit with the GRS.  That dark spot is Callisto not a shadow!  I have not imaged a Callisto transit in years.

The GRS looks very interesting today.  Note the bright spot on the north inside the GRS!  The flake on the GRS is now on the p side.  The wake of the GRS shows a very complex turbulence.  Note the very dark feature in the wake.  The chimney above the GRS is now open.

SE of the GRS is the area of Clyde's spot. Two spots can be seen though these are dark in methane band.  The dark spots SW of the GRS looks like two dark cyclones.  Oval BA can be seen rising on the left.  The dark ring is well resolved.  The NEB still looks very strange especially the light NEBn.  The NNTZ LRS is prominent.


June 21, 2020

When I woke up this morning, the sky was clear.  So I set up my imaging system.  When I was ready to image Jupiter, I noticed that the brightness of Jupiter started flickering.  When I locked up, there were CLOUDS all over!  The clouds were not moving in but it was building up above me.  I was able to get 1 set of RGB.  After 3 minutes, the entire sky was overcast!  Seeing was excellent though.

Oval BA can be seen setting on the right.  The South Polar red spot can also be seen.  The SEB shows the end of the wake of the GRS.  Most of the SEB is very pale.  The NEB is very turbulent.


June 20, 2020

Condition was a bit challenging today.  Transparency was poor due to clouds and seeing was variable.

The GRS is well resolved in these images.  There seems to be a flake on the f side of the GRS.   The Chimney above the GRS is now open!  This feature is bright in methane band.  The outbreak on the wake of the GRS is very bright both in visible and methane band.   Note the SE of the GRS on the STrZ is very bright.  Note the small dark spots that are about to enter the GRS halo on the p side of the GRS. 

Clyde's spot can still be resolved especially on the second RGB image although it is not bright in methane band.  There is a dark spot that is right next to it.  Oval BA can be seen rising on the left.  It is getting closer to the GRS and should have a conjunction with the GRS in the coming months.

The NEBn shows some fading.   The NNTZ LRS is prominent.

June 16, 2020

It had been cloudy here for the last few days.  It cleared up this morning.  Seeing was excellent but transparency was poor due to thin clouds.

The NEB is very chaotic in this region.  There are a lot of complex rifts.  The methane band image shows a brightening on the NEBs close to the CM and two bright outbreaks.  On the f side of this feature is a strange looking activity on the NEB.

THe SEB is quiet in this region.  It also looks faded here.

June 13, 2020

TS Nuri (Butchoy) ruined the weather here.  Although it never got close to us, it brought rain for the last few days.  I was happy that there was some clearing today.  Condition was not ideal as I had to image through clouds and seeing was average.

The images show the GRS and Oval BA. The GRS shows flaking at the f side. This flake is visible in the methane band image. It also looks like the chimney above the GRS is now open! In methane band, one can see a bright spot entering the chimney! The outbreak on the wake of the GRS is still active. The area of Clyde's spot is at the edge and there seems to be darkening in that feature. Oval BA is still very pale. There is an interesting feature on the mid-SEB above Oval BA. Is that a cyclone? This seems to be disrupting that area on the SEBs. The South Polar Red spot can be seen below Oval BA.

The NEB continues to look strange.  The NEBn has faded.

June 8, 2020

I did not expect to image today.  It had been cloudy during the last few days and prediction was overcast skies today.  But the sky was clear!  Seeing was first unstable but improved to near perfect conditions.

The GRS is prominent in these images.  The N side seems to be broken up.  There seems to be some flaking on the f and p sides.  There are hints of these in the methane band image.  The chimney above the GRS seems to be opening up again.  The wake of the GRS shows complex rifts.  Oval BA is rising on the left.

The area around Clyde's spot seems to have calmed down.  There is a dark spot now.  This area has become dark in methane band.  The two white ovals in this feature can still be seen.

The NEB continues to be chaotic with complex outbreaks and rifts.  Note the NNTZ LRS  south side seems light.  It looks like it is interacting with a small white spot.


June 5, 2020

I had a very frustrating imaging run today.  Seeing was excellent but my run had to be interrupted by clouds!

On my last images, one can see that Clyde's Spot has brightened again and as a single spot! Did the two spots merge?  I was not able to capture a second set of methane band because of clouds.  The GRS is rising on the left.   The NEB is still very active with outbreaks and complex rifts.  The SEBn shows the turbulence from the GRS.  Callisto's shadow is to the left of the NNTZ LRS.

June 3, 2020

Condition was perfect today!  I did not do any special processing on these images.

The GRS is well resolved in these images.  There are hints of flaking on both the p and f side.  Please note the area of Clyde's bright spot.  In methane band, we can see two spots and two white spots can indeed be resolved in the RGB image.  The wake of the GRS shows multiple outbreaks. 

The NEB is very active here with complex rifts.  The NNTZ LRS looks interesting.  It shows a reddish glow not a red ring.

June 2, 2020

Seeing was below average today.  The results of my initial processing was so bad that I tried using my new method.  These are the results.

The NEB is very active right now.  Note the different ovals and complex rifts!  In contrast, the SEB looks very pale.  Note the white clouds on the SPR. 

June 1, 2020

Condition was a bit challenging today.  I had to image through clouds so transparency was very poor.  I had to capture a lot of images to compensate with the poor transparency.  I was only able to capture a set of data before the sky became overcast.

These images show the GRS.  Note the flake on the f side of the GRS.  The N part of the GRS looks disturbed.   The wake of the GRS shows complex outbreaks.  The outbreak that Clyde Foster discovered has faded.  It still can be seen but is not as bright as before.   This outbreak is imbedded in a bluish feature similar to the STB Ghost.  Is this the STB Ghost?  Oval BA can be seen rising on the left.  The NEB of the p side of the CM looks very active with rifts and outbreaks while the f side is quiet.


May 31, 2020

The sky was clear today but seeing was variable due to N winds.

These images show the Juno's PJ27 target area.   The NEB is very active in this region with a lot of outbreaks and complex rifting.  The SEB shows the turbulence of the GRS.   On my second run, the methane band shows the bright outburst spot on the p side of the GRS which Clyde Foster discovered yesterday. 

May 29, 2020

It rained hard close to midnight.  But the sky cleared a bit after the thunderstorm.   Transparency was very poor while seeing was variable.

The first images show the region which will be Juno's target for PJ27.   The NEB is very active in this region with complex rifts.  The SEB is quiet.

I had a second run after I imaged Saturn. Unfortunately, seeing and transparency was poor.  But the image shows the GRS with an interesting extension on the p side.  Will this part flake off?  The wake of the GRS shows some complex outbreaks.

May 27, 2020

Condition was a bit challenging today.  Seeing was unstable with a period of good seeing.  Only one set of my data was acceptable.

The GRS is close to the CM.  There is a reddish extension on the f side.   The Chimney above the GRS seems to be opening up again.  Note the complex wake of the GRS with very active outbreaks.   Oval BA can be seen rising on the left.  A dark ring can be seen inside Oval BA.

The NEB shows outbreaks and complex riftings.  On the second image, the NEB is quiet. The NNTZ LRS can also be seen in these images.

May 26, 2020

Seeing was variable today but mostly good. 

The NEB continues to be very active in this region.   There are a lot of rifts and outbreaks.  WSZ can be seen just past the CM.  The SEB looks pale.

May 24, 2020

Condition was poor today due to SW winds.  Seeing and transparency was variable due to clouds.  I was hoping to capture the GRS close to the CM, but I was clouded out.

The GRS is rising on these images.  Note the extension on the GRS on the p side.  There is a white oval that is about to enter the GRS halo.  Note the bluish feature SE of the GRS.  Is this the STB Ghost?  This feature is very dark in methane band.  Te NEB is very active in this region.  There are outbreaks and complex rifts.  The NNTZ LRS can also be seen.


May 23, 2020

Monsoon here started early.  We have been having rains and clouds for the last 10 days.  Normally I would not have imaged today.  But I missed imaging.  It was mostly cloudy but there were some thinner clouds around Jupiter.  Still transparency was very low!  I had to use slow exposure times and crazy gain settings!

These images show that the upheaval on the NEB is still ongoing. The NEBn is very broken up.  The SEB is very pale in this region.


May 13, 2020

The outer bands of Typhoon Vongfong (Ambo) has reached us.  I was fortunate to get a short clearing before the sky was overcast.   Transparency was very poor due to thin clouds.  Seeing was fair.

Oval BA is still pale and a hint of the inner dark ring can be seen.  The SEB has lost its color and is no pale red.  The NEB is very chaotic.  I have never seen it like this before.  Is the NEB fading?  Is it undergoing an upheaval?

May 12, 2020

I did not expect to image today because TS Vongfong (Ambo) is just to the east of us.  Surprisingly, the sky was mostly clear except for the eastern horizon where thunderclouds were looming.  Seeing was variable today.

The GRS is prominent on these images.   Note the extension on the p side which looks like a flake.  There is also an oval that is about to enter the GRS halo.  The wake of the GRS has a very bright outbreak.

The NEB is very active with complex rifts and some outbreaks.  The NNTZ LRS and the other north temperate red spot can be seen.


May 11, 2020

The sky was hazy this morning due to thin  clouds.  But seeing was literally out of this world!  I only had short run with Jupiter so I can get more data with Saturn.

These images show the upheaval going  on in the NEBn.  Dark festoon like features are pushing to the NEBn while the normally red NEB is now fading.   The SEB is still  very pale.  On the SPR, note the elongated white feature.  The EZ is bright in methane band and has that methane band bright wave.

May 9, 2020

Seeing was variable this morning.

The NEB is very active these days.  Note the dark festoons extending up to the NEBn! Red material seem to be clearing at the area just after the CM.  The two white ovals on the NEBn are bright in methane band.  The SEB is still very pale.  Io shadow is starting to bite into the edge of the Jovian disk on the second RGB image.

May 7, 2020

I had a frustrating imaging run today. The sky was mostly clear when I woke up.  Then after doing my first RGB run, a stream of clouds appear.  It just covered the area where the planets were!  It was like this for over an hour before I had a small clearing and had just enough time to image the GRS.  Seeing was variable.

The GRS show a hint of a flake on its p side. This can also be seen on the CH4 image.  The area above the GRS seem to be breaking up again.  Will this form a "chimney"?  The NEB is very chaotic with complex rifts and an outbreak.

May 5, 2020

Except for some slight haze, seeing was perfect today.

There are exceptional details resolved inside the GRS.  Aside from the dark core, note the bright white streak on the p side of the GRS core.  Note also the red streak on the p side of the GRS.  This feature is bright in methane band.  Is this a flake remnant.  There is also a very bright outbreak on the wake of the GRS.

The NEB is very chaotic.  There are two outbreaks that can be seen.  The NNTZ LRS is prominent.    Note the small spot above the NNTZ LRS, it also looks red but not very bright in methane band.

May 4, 2020

When I woke up this morning, I checked Accuweather on my phone and it said that it was raining outside with NW winds.  But when I got out, the sky was clear!  Seeing was excellent! 

There are many details that are resolved in these images!  The SEBn is turbulent due to the interaction with the GRS.  There is a bright outbreak on the NEB.  The NEBn is still very much disturbed.  Note the dark festoon like feature on the NEB!  There are also many features that can be resolved up to the poles.

May 1, 2020

Weather prediction today was suppose to be cloudy.  When I woke up at 2:30am, the sky was overcast.  When I woke up at around 4am, I wasn't expecting much but the sky was clear!  Seeing was mostly good but with periods of instability.

Here are images of Jupiter showing the chaos in the NEBn.  Is the NEB undergoing one of it's periodic upheavals? The NEBs is very dark red, but the most of the northern part of the NEB is losing its clor and it looks like wind shear is disrupting this region and it is loosing its usual red color.

THe NEB is very pale.  The STrZ is notably bluish.  The EZ is very bright in methane band and note the wave pattern on the methane band image of the EZ.


April 30, 2020

Condition was poor today.  There were thin clouds and transparency was very poor.  Seeing was variable and very unstable.

The GRS can be seen on these image.  Note the flake extension on the f side of the  GRS as reported by Clyde Foster.  This feature is very bright n CH4.  There is a complex outbreak at the wake of the GRS.  The NEB is very turbulent with complex rift activity.  The NNTZ LRS is very prominent.

April 28, 2020

I overslept today and did not wake up till 4:20am!  I was not able to catch the GRS today.  Seeing was only average today.

The GRS is setting on the right.  Oval BA is prominent in these images.  A dark ring can be seen inside Oval BA.  The South Polar Red Spot is prominent below Oval BA.   The NEBn is very disturbed! While the SEB is very pale!


April 26, 2020

When I started imaging today transparency was very poor due to thin clouds.  But conditions improved later.  I made two Jupiter runs today.  The first one was done when I started imaging.  The last one was done after I imaged Mars and Saturn.    If you look at the 3rd image, seeing was perfect that time.

Oval BA can be see in these images.  The color is inside is very pale.  During my first run, 3 outbreaks can be seen on the NEB.  The northern part of the NEB looks very disturbed. Note that the color of the dark clouds that is disturbing  has the same color at the EZn festoons!  This is very obvious in the 3rd image.    There seems to be some continuation on the festoons on the EZn to the features on the NEBn!

The SEB is very pale.  The GRS can be seen at the edge of the first image.  The South Polar Red Spot can also be seen.  If you look at the last image, there are a lot of details that can be seen on both poles of Jupiter.

April 25, 2020

Condition was excellent today.  I was hoping to image Jupiter after my run with Saturn to catch the GRS at a better position.  Unfortunately, clouds rolled in before I could complete my Saturn run.

The GRS is rising on these images.  Note the white area on the SEB preceding the GRS.  There seems to be some white streaks inside it.  The SEB is still very pale.  The NEB has a lot of rift activity.

April 23, 2020

Now I understand why they call a gap in the clouds "sucker holes".   It was mostly cloudy today but there was a big clearing around Jupiter.  I  setup my imaging system.  After taking 2 sets of RGB, the clouds rolled in the and the sky was overcast!  I took down my system.  After taking down my system completely, the sky around Jupiter cleared again!  So I set up again only to be overcast right after I finish setting up.  Grrrr!  I went back to sleep!  Fortunately seeing was excellent when I took the two images although transparency was deteriorated as the clouds rolled in.

I am happy that I took those 2 sets as the result is acceptable.  The GRS can be seen here.  Note the bright ovals on the p side of the GRS.  There is a hint of a flake on the f side of the GRS.  Some outbreaks can be seen on the wake of the GRS.

The NEB is very turbulent and shows complex riftings.  The NNTZ LRS is prominent and very red!


April 22, 2020

Seeing was variable today.  But I was a bit nervous because there were thunderclouds in the north and in the south.  The area where the planets were remain clear until half an hour before sunrise.

The NEB looks very strange.  The southern part is dark red but the northern part looks very disturbed.  Is the large white spot on the NEBn before the CM White Spot Z?  Is seems that the festoons on the EZ are invading the NEB!  The EZ is very bright in methane band and it has a wave pattern.  The SEB is very pale.   Ganymede can be seen just off Jupiter.  The South Polar cap can be seen.

April 21, 2020

Seeing started poor today but improved as Jupiter got higher.  Transparency was poor due to clouds.

The GRS is setting on the right and Oval BA is coming up.  Oval BA's color is pale yellow.  Note the dark reddish oval on the STB between the GRS and Oval BA.  The NEB has a lot of rifting.

April 18, 2020

Seeing was variable this morning.  I was able to make two runs with Jupiter just to catch the GRS.

The GRS still shows a flake like extension on the f side?  Note the small white oval SW of the GRS.  There are two bright outbreaks at the wake of the GRS.  The GRS is elliptical in methane band.

The NEB very active in this region with some outbreaks and complex rifting.  The NNTZ LRS can also be seen. 

April 17, 2020

Seeing was variable today.

The SEB is pale.  Note the two spots on the south pole. The NEBs is very dark red.  The NEBn looks active with these dark clouds.

April 16, 2020

Condition was a bit unstable today. 

The GRS is well resolved.  There seems to be some extension on the f side.  There is a hint of this extension in the methane band.  The outbreaks on the wake of the GRS is very bright both in visible and methane band.  The SEB is very pale on the f side.  Oval BA can be seen rising on the left.  There seems to be a bright spot inside Oval BA.  The NEB is active in this region with some outbreaks and a lot of rifting.   There seems to be this dark clouds on the NEB (just before the CM) which affects some regions of the NEB. 

April 14, 2020

I had a grand slam session today.  I imaged Jupiter, Saturn and Mars.  Seeing was perfect when I was imaging Jupiter.

Oval BA is prominent in these images.  It has a very light yellow orange color.  The SEB is very pale in this region.  The NEB is very active here.  There are bright outbreaks on the NEB.  What is interesting are the two large dark regions n the NEBn before the CM.  A lot of details can be seen on the temperate zones.

April 13, 2020

I woke up early today with a game plan.  Take a quick imaging run with Jupiter.  Then take a complete run with Saturn.  Then back to Jupiter to capture the GRS.  Unfortunately things did not go as planned.  Seeing was perfect.  But in the middle of my Saturn capture, clouds rolled in.    I had to rush to image Jupiter in between clouds but was only able to capture 2 sets under low transparency.  Fortunately, I was able to salvage the image despite the less that ideal conditions.

During the first run, the image shows a pale SEB with the GRS rising on the left.  Note the bright white feature on the mid SEB at the CM of the first image.  I wonder what that feature is?  The NEB is dark and narrow.    Note the very dark festoon at the CM!

On the second image, some flaking can be seen on the f side of the GRS.  The small white oval above the GRS seem to be stuck at the "chimney".


April 12, 2020

Condition was unstable when I started imaging but improved as Jupiter got higher.

The SEB is very pale in this region while the NEB is dark.  There is a white spot on the NEBn that can be seen at the CM.  The area preceding this spot looks very chaotic.  The EZ is very bright in methane band!

April 11, 2020

Perfect conditions today! 

The GRS is well resolved in these images.  The dark red core can be seen inside the GRS.  There is a small white oval in the GRS halo north of the GRS!  There seems to be some flaking on the GRS especially on the f side. The color of this flake is blood red.  The GRS is very elliptical in methane band!  Note the chaotic outbreak on the upper left of the GRS.  These outbreaks are very bright in methane band.  The SEB on the f side of the GRS is very pale.

The South Polar Red Spot and Oval BA can be seen rising on the left.  Note the NNTZ Little Red Spot (LRS).    It is distinctly red!

April 10, 2020

Condition was variable today.  I was only able to capture a set of images before clouds rolled in.

The STB Sceptre can be seen rising on the left.  The SEBn is turbulent but mostly the SEB is very pale.  The NEB is very quiet in this region with a strong red color.  The WSZ can be seen close to the CM.  The feature preceding the WSZ on the NEB looks strange.  Is this a cyclone?

April 9, 2020

I had an early run with Jupiter.  I was lucky because seeing was perfect when I started my run.  Unfortunately, seeing quicky deteriorated while I was capturing in methane band. 

The Juno Spacecraft will have a close encounter (PJ26) with Jupiter later today.  This images show the region of the encounter 1 Jupiter rotation before Perijove!  A dark ring can be resolved inside Oval BA.   The GRS can be seen setting on the right edge of the SEB.  The SEB is very pale in this region.  The volcanic moon Io can be seen on the northern edge of the EZ at the CM.  The South Polar Red Spot can also be seen close to the CM.

April 8, 2020

Condition was good today.

The GRS is rising on the left.  The SEB is pale but turbulent on the SEBn.  The NEB is dark but quiet in this region.   The STB Spectre can be seen just past the CM.    It is very dark blue.   Europa can be seen to the right of Jupiter.

April 6, 2020

I overslept today and did not wake up till 5am.  I rushed to image Jupiter and fortunately the seeing was excellent.  For the methane band though, the GRS was over exposed because I captured it a few minutes before sunrise.

The GRS is well resolved in these images.   Note the extension on the f side of the GRS.  Is flaking still happening?  There are bright outbreaks on the wake of the GRS.    Note the bluish streak on the NTB on the lower left of the GRS.  The NEB is dark and narrow in this region with a lot of rifting.

April 5, 2020

Seeing was good this morning.  These were the images I processed during my Facebook Live webinar this morning. 

The SEB is pale while in the NEB is very dark in contrast.  The EZs is very bright in methane band.


April 4, 2020

I had a Facebook Live webinar with Woodland Hills this morning.  These are the images we took this morning.  Note that the seeing was not great.  Tomorrow I will demo how these images were processed.

This region shows the GRS and Oval BA.  This is also the region Juno will image during PJ26 on April 10.  The wake of the GRS is very turbulent.  Note the oval on the STrZ.  The mid-SEB is very pale!  The NEB is dark.  Note the interesting feature on the CM of the NEB.    There is this reddish feature on top of a festoon!  The South Polar Red Spot can be seen. 

April 1, 2020

Condition was unstable today.

The GRS is prominent in these images.  Note the small oval above the GRS.   The wake of the GRS looks turbulent.  The NEB has a very dark color close to brown than red.  The NEB is also narrow in this region.  Note the reddish haze on the EZ.  The NNTZ LRS can be seen and this feature is  bright in methane band.

March 31, 2020

Seeing was average today but transparency was poor due to haze.

This SEB is pale in this region except for some dark red streaks on the mid-SEB.   The NEB looks turbulent especially at the CM.  The EZs is very bright in methane band.

March 30, 2020

Condition was poor today due to winds from the NW. 

The GRS can be seen setting on the right.  The wake of the GRS looks turbulent but the SEB is very pale!  The NEB shows a dichotomy.  The region to the right of the CM is a strong red color while the region on the left looks pale!  Ganymede's shadow can also be seen.

March 29, 2020

Seeing was good today. 

Note the dark bulge on the STB and the bluish streak of the STB Spectre.  The SEBn is turbulent due to the GRS.  The NEB is quiet in this region.


March 28, 2020

Condition was very poor today. Seeing was unstable and I had to image through clouds!

Oval BA can be see on these images.  The SSTB spot is now moving away from Oval BA.  The SEBs is turbulent while the mid-SEB is very pale.  The NEB has a lot of rift activities.

March 24, 2020

Condition was very unstable today due to N winds. 

There is a double shadow transit today.  The larger shadow is that of Ganymede while the shadow on the NEBs is that of Io.   Io can be seen on the left.  The SEB is pale in this region while the NEB looks turbulent.  Note the strange feature on the NEBn at the CM. 

March 22, 2020

Condition was  good this morning.

The GRS can be seen rising on these images.  The SEBn is very turbulent due to interaction of the GRS with the SEB.  There is a reddish haze on the EZ.  The NEB is dark.   Note the bluish streaks on the STB.  Is this the STB Ghost or Spectre?

March 21, 2020

I had a crazy session today.  It was drizzling when I woke up but saw a chance of clearing at the area where Jupiter was.  I took a chance to image with rain clouds threatening.  I was only able to get 3 sets of RGB before the sky was overcast again.  Seeing was very good but transparency was variable due to clouds.

Oval BA is setting on the right.  Note the small oval below Oval BA.   Most of the SEB is very pale in this region.   The NEB is very active with complex rfits.  The shadow of Europa is just above the NEB.  Note the small red spot on the NTB just after the CM.


March 20, 2020

Seeing was good today.  I finally have some decent images of Jupiter!

The GRS is prominent on these images.  Seeing was so good that details inside the GRS are well resolved!  As Niall has mentioned in his observations, the chimney above the GRS is open!  The GRS halo and chimney are bright in methane band!  The wake of the GRS is very turbulent and bright outbreaks can be seen developing!  Note the reddish streak on the STrZ on the immediate SW of the GRS.

The southern NEB is very dark red.  The northern part of the NEB is seem to be fading.   The NNTZ LRS is prominent.  A hint of the red ring can be seen.

March 18, 2020

Seeing was a little better today.  Jupiter is still very low in the sky and the sun is rising earlier as we approach the vernal equinox.

The GRS and Oval BA are approaching each other again.  Both can now be seen the the same frame.  The GRS has a strong red color.  The wake of the GRS is very turbulent.  Note the two spots on the SEBn  following the GRS.  The NEB is narrow in this region.  It is interesting to note that the NEBn is becoming pale while the southern part is dark red.  The SPR red spot can also be seen.  In methane band,  it is interesting to note that the left half of the EZ is bright in methane band while the right half looks normal.


March 17, 2020

Condition was a bit challenging today.  Seeing was not great and I had to deal with imaging between clouds.

Two moon of Jupiter can be seen on these images.  Ganymede is in transit while Io just exited on the right.  The SEBn is very dark while the rest of the SEB is pale.  Note the ochre haze on the EZ.   The NEB is dark.  Note the dark streaks on the NEB below Ganymede.

March 16, 2020

Seeing was good when I started imaging.  I started taking IR and CH4 images thinking that seeing would even be better when Jupiter gets higher.  Unfortunately, seeing deteriorated as the sun was about to rise.

Oval BA can be seen in these images.  It is still white.  The SEBn is very active while the rest of the SEB looks pale.  The mid=EZ is very bright in methane band this year.  The NEB is dark and narrow.

March 13, 2020

Condition was very poor this morning.   Jupiter is still below 40 deg here.

The GRS has a strong color and the wake is very active.  There is an outbreak on the f side of the GRS. The SEB is very pale while the NEB is dark and narrow.  The EZn has a reddish shade.


March 12, 2020

The last two session have been very frustrating.  The sky was clear when I woke up.  I set up then the sky is overcast!  This happened two sessions in a row.  Today I was lucky, the sky was mostly clear but seeing was terrible!

The White Spot Z can be seen at the NEB.  Note that the NEB is very dark while the SEB is very pale!  Some outbreaks on the NEB can be seen.

March 3, 2020

I am finally able to image Jupiter.   Jupiter is still around 30deg and seeing was unstable.

The GRS is rising on these images.   The SEB seems to be fading.   The NEB has some bright outbreak spots. 


Copyright 2017 Christopher Go (chris@cstoneind.com)