By Christopher Go

All images were taken using a Celestron  C14  mounted on an Astrophysics AP900GTO mount.  A QHY 290M camera was used is these images.    RGB is done using a set of Chroma Technology RGB filters on a Starlight Xpress Motorized filter wheel.  Methane band images are done using a Chroma Methane Band filter (889nm  18nm bandpass).  UV images are done using a Astrodon UV filter.   Amplification is done using an Astrophysics Advance Convertible Barlow working at 2.0X.

Image acquisition was done using  Torsten Edelmann's Firecapture 2.5beta 64bit software.  All images are NORTH UP!     Processing was done using AutoStakkert! and Registax.

These images were taken at Banilad,  Cebu City, Philippines. 

For more information on the names of various belts and zones of Jupiter and the meaning of the abbreviations I use please check the Sky and Telescope Jupiter Observing Guide.

All images of this site are my property.  If you wish to publish it on your site or print, please email me for permission.



My old images can be viewed at:
2007 Images   2008 Images   2011 Images ALPO Archives
2009 Images   2010 Images   2012 Images ALPO Japan Jupiter Section
2013 Images   2014 Images   2015 Images Jupiter with my C8
2016 Images   2018 Images   2019 Images  
2020 Images  

Early 2021



November 28, 2021

Condition was poor today because I had to image through clouds.  I would have discarded these images except for the strange methane band feature on the NEBs/EZn.  In methane band, note the dark archs and the bright features on the left.   I can't seem to make out anything strange on the luminance image.


November 22, 2021

Condition was a bit unstable this evening with periods of good seeing.

The GRS is well resolved.  The wake has a prominent outbreak. The SEB is pale.  Oval BA is approaching the GRS.  The NEB is still very pale.

November 21, 2021

Condition was excellent today!

A new outbreak has appeared  on the NEB.  The previous outbreak has grown and is interacting with EZ feestons.  Both outbreaks are very bright in methane band.  Seeing was good that white ovals can be seen on the South Pole.  The EZ is very turbulent.  While the NEB and SEB are very pale.

November 20, 2021

Condition was very unstable when I started imaging.  But it improved later in my imaging session.

Oval BA now has a distinct light orange colored ring with a white center.  Will this slowly turn red?  The NEB and SEB are pale in this region.

November 17, 2021

Condition was very poor today.  I had to image through clouds.  Seeing was average but transparency was very poor.

These images show the GRS.   The wake following the GRS looks turbulent.  But there are not outbreaks there right now.  Note the large white STB oval preceding the Oval BA.  The NEB is still very pale.

November 14, 2021

Seeing was variable today. 

The most prominent feature in these images is the outbreak/rift on the NEBn.  It has been quite sometime since we saw this type of feature on the NEB.  Will this revive the NEB?  The EZ looks very complex in  IR and methane band.


November 8, 2021

The sky was finally clear today but seeing was very unstable.  Transparency was at times variable due to passing clouds.

Oval BA can be seen  on the right.  The SEB and NEB are very pale.  The south polar red spot can be seen on the last images.

November 7, 2021

I did not expect to image today.  It was totally overcast early this evening.   But somehow, the sky cleared for a while. Unfortunately, clouds rolled in as I was capturing in methane band.

Jupiter is very active in this region.  Note the bright outbreak on the NEBs above the GRS.  This feature is bright in methane band.  The GRS looks elongated especially on the p side.  Is it getting bigger?  The area around the GRS looks very strange.  Is it interacting with the remnants of the Clyde's spot.  Note also a small white spot on the STB SE of the GRS.  This feature is not bright in methane band but will it erupt into an outbreak?

November 5, 2021

We had horrible weather for a week due to a low pressure area.  The sky finally cleared today but the seeing was only average.

The GRS  is well resolved.  Europa's shadow is over the complex wake.   The remnant of Clyde's spot is getting close to the GRS.  It is now a very complex feature.  Note the Oval BA has a thin reddish ring.  Note the red band forming on the mid-EZ.  The NEB is still very pale.  Note the bright feature on the NEBs.  I thought it was an outbreak but it is dark in methane band.

October 29, 2021

Monsoon had been horrible here.  I finally had a clearing but seeing was very unstable.

The GRS is setting on the right. Note the complex wake of the GRS.  Oval BA can be seeing rising on the left.  The SEB and the NEB are very pale.  Note that the mid-EZ has become very red.  Is a belt forming?

October 20, 2021

The sky was mostly cloudy this evening.  There was a break of thin clouds around the area of Jupiter.  Seeing was ok but transparency was very poor.  I had to capture a lot of images and derotate them to get these decent images.

The mid-EZ shows a reddish band in the middle of Jupiter.  In the methane band image, one can see the bright areas on the EZ pushing to the north.  The NEB and SEB are plane in this region.


October 19, 2021

Seeing was very variable today.  One moment it is excellent, in another it is horrible.

The GRS is prominent in these images.  There are two bright outbreaks on the wake of the GRS.  Note the dark features lining up on the NTB.  Are these associated with the remnants of Clyde's spot.  The NEB is very pale.

October 18, 2021

Finally some decent weather.  Seeing was variable but mostly good.  These images were all taken with the QHYIII462C.

Two red ovals are prominent in these images.  The NNTZ red oval and the one close to the SPR.  The EZn looks very active in this region.  While the NEB is very pale.  Note that in methane band there are some methane bright clouds intruding into  the mid-EZ.

October 16, 2021

We had horrible monsoon weather.  The sky cleared this evening but it was hazy so transparency was poor and seeing was variable.  I used 2 cameras to image.  The first color image was taken using the QHY462C camera while the second image was taken using the QHY290M.

These images show the region that was imaged by Juno.  The STB shows the remnant of the STB outbreak I discovered a few months ago.  Note the turbulent area on the SEB.  On the last images, the GRS can be seen rising on the left.  The NEB looks very pale.


October 7, 2021

Horrible conditions today.  We have been having an awful monsoon this year.  Seeing and transparency was poor.

The GRS is prominent in these images.  The wake shows some turbulence but there are no outbreaks at the moment.   Note the dark features moving towards the GRS on the STBn.  Are these materials from the remnant of Clyde's spot?

September 27, 2021

Condition was terrible today due to Typhoon Mindulle which is over the Pacific Ocean and enhancing the monsoon.

Today we have Ganymede transiting Jupiter and very close to the GRS!  The "chimney" above the GRS is now close again.  The wake of the GRS shows an active outbreak.  On the STB, note the bright wavy feature that leads to the remnant of the 2nd STB Outbreak.  This remnant appears to have an orange tinge.

September 26, 2021

Seeing was a bit unstable today.  Transparency was a better today.

Note the white oval on the NEBn.  It is visible light and a little bright in methane band.  The NEB and SEB are very pale.  The NNTZ red spot and the south polar red spot can also be seen.

September 25, 2021

Monsoon had been very bad during the last few days.  We had a clearing this evening but the sky was very hazy.  Seeing was good but transparency was very poor.

The GRS can be seen setting on the right.  Outbreaks are starting to appear on the wake the the GRS.  The chimney above the GRS is open.  The remnant of Clyde's Spot has become a very complex feature.   The NEB is very pale.  Note the large white ovals on the NEBn and the large dark red spots on the NEB.


September 22, 2021

Condition was very challenging today.   The sky was mostly cloudy with some areas of thin clouds.  I had to image through clouds to get these images.  Seeing was good but transparency was poor.  I had to capture a lot of data to compensate the poor transparency.

The GRS is well resolved in these images.  Note the outbreaks on the wake of the GRS have disappeared.  There are not bright features on methane band.  The "chimney" above the GRS is open again.   The NEB is very pale and faded.  In methane band, note the long dark streak on the EZn/NEBs.


September 18, 2021

It was a cloudy and rainy day.  But the sky cleared when evening came.  Transparency was poor due to haze but seeing was good.

Oval BA can be seen in these images.  It is still very pale with a faint orange ring.  The STB is very active.  Note the remnant of Clyde's spot which shows a strange black feature. 

The NEB and SEB are very pale in this region.  Note the methane bright feature on the EZ rising on the left.

September 17, 2021

We had a horrible monsoon weather the past week.  This was due to two typhoons in our region that enhanced the SW monsoon.  I had a short break this evening.  Seeing was variable but transparency was poor due to clouds and haze.

The STB area preceding the GRS looks interesting.  Note the remnant of last month's STB Outbreak.  It seems to be interacting with the reddish band to it's south.  The GRS is well resolved in the second color image.  The chimney above the GRS seems close again.  The outbreaks on the wake of the GRS are very active. 

Note the large methane bright feature on the EZ on the eastern edge.  The NEB is very pale.  Note the two bright features on the NEBs/EZn above the GRS.  These feature however are not bright in methane band.

September 5, 2021

The sky was very hazy today and it made transparency very poor.  Seeing was variable but mostly good.

The GRS is prominent in these images.  The dark core and some small white spots can be seen close to the edge inside the GRS.   The "chimney" above the GRS is open again.   Note the bright outbreaks on the wake of the GRS.  The biggest outbreak seem to be riding the circulation of the GRS halo now.  Will it go through the gauntlet above the GRS and go to the other side?

The remnant of the STB outbreak has continued to evolve.  The NEB is still very pale.

September 4, 2021

We had a heavy downpour late this afternoon to early evening.  But the sky cleared at around 9pm.  Seeing was surprisingly excellent.

Note the white spot on the NEBn.  It looks very strange and even has a "tail" that extends into the NEB!  This spot has also brightened in methane band.  The NEB and SEB are very pale.  But the EZ looks very active these days.  Note the bright streaks on the methane band on the EZ.  A red spot is prominent on the NNTZ.

September 3, 2021

Monsoon is back.  In fact, it rained hard this evening.  There was a brief clearing and I'm glad I took some images.  The ground around me is still very wet.  Seeing was very good.  But transparency was variable due to clouds.

The GRS is setting on the right.  The wake of the GRS has a very bright outbreak. The remnant of Clyde's spot is close to the CM. Note how it is interacting with with the STB circulation.   The NEB is very pale.  Note the large cyclonic dark ovals on the NEB!

August 29, 2021

Condition was very poor today.  I had to image through clouds.  Seeing was bad and transparency was very poor.  I was unable to capture methane band images because clouds have rolled in.

The GRS can be seen.  Note the bulge on the f side of the GRS.  The remnant of the STB Outbreak has become dark.   Hopefully we can have a good view of this during Juno's PJ36 on Thursday.   The wake of the GRS is very chaotic.


August 29, 2021

It rained again all day today but cleared at around 9pm.  Seeing was average but transparency was very good.  These images were captured using the QHY462C.

Two red ovals can be seen on these images.   The NNTZ LRS-1 and the South Polar red oval.  In methane band, note the EZ before the CM.  There is a bright extention.

August 27, 2021

I had an exciting imaging run today.  It was cloudy and rainy all day.  But at around 8pm, a part of the sky started to clear.  I had second thoughts about imaging because there were two thunderstorms around me.  This time I used the QHY462C because I wanted to get my data as fast as possible before the rains arrive.  The approaching cracks of thunder added to the excitement of this run. Seeing was average and transparency was poor.

The GRS is setting on the right.  Note the remnant of  Clyde's spot.  There is a bright white shark fin like feature in the area of the remant.  Is this an outbreak or a transition area of the jetstream.  The SEB is very pale after the wake of the GRS.

From the past images, the dark barges on the NEB are getting bigger.

August 26, 2021

The monsoon weather has been terrible here.   It actually rained all day today.  Surprisingly the sky cleared at around 9pm.  Seeing was incredible but transparency was poor due to clouds and haze.

Note the STB Outbreak remnant.  It seems to be brightening in visible light.  In methane band, it is lighter than the dark surrounding area.  The GRS is well resolved.  There seems to be a flake on the f side of the GRS.  The EZs looks very turbulent.  While the NEB is very pale.


August 22, 2021

I did not expect to image today.  It rained hard all day until around 8:30pm when the sky slowly cleared up.  It was still a bit hazy and the humidity was very bad.  I was surprised that the seeing turned out ok.  Today, I imaged the mutual events between Europa and Ganymede.  I will post this later as I need to put these data together.

These images of Jupiter show the GRS which is well resolved.  The wake of the GRS is very chaotic and with multiple active outbreaks.  The remnant of Clyde's spot can also be seen.  It is located in the region where the dark STB and light STB meets.  Is the bright feature a distubance?  Oval BA can be seen rising on the last image.

Overall, the NEB is very pale.   The huge dark red barges on the NEB are very prominent. Are these cyclonic?  The dark barges on the NTB are also interesting.


August 21, 2021

Weather had been terrible here the last 2 days.  In fact it was cloudy all day today up to early evening.   The sky started the clear at round 10pm so I took a chance to grab some some images.  Seeing was good.  All these images were taken using a QHY462C camera.

Note the red oval close oto the south pole.  One can see another small reddish oval on the southern tip of Jupiter!  The EZ shows the chaotic turbulence created by the GRS.  The NEB is very pale.    Note the bright white oval on the NEBn setting on the right.  It has a bright streak extending to the mid-NEB.  Note the IR/Methane bright feature on the EZ.  

August 19, 2021

In a few hours, Jupiter will be in opposition!  I did not expect it image today because it was cloudy all day and we had heavy rain in the afternoon.  Surprisingly the sky cleared up in the evening!  Seeing was excellent although it was very humid and a little hazy.

The GRS is the star of the show.  Features inside the GRS can be seen.  Note the buldge of the west side of the GRS.  Will this turn into a flake?  Note the distorted white oval that has entered the halo.  The wake of the GRS looks very chaotic.  The remnant of the STB outbreak has become very dark.

August 15, 2021

The day I have been waiting for all year has finally come.  Today we had a grand slam event.  A very rare triple transit on Jupiter with the moons Callisto, Ganymede and Europa in transit.  As a bonus, a partially eclipsed Io was seen just before it went behind Jupiter.  After the triple transit there was very rare event when Ganymede occulted Europa followed by Ganymede eclipsing Europa!  Seeing the shadow of Ganymede over Europa was surreal!

Tonight was exceptional. Everything went PERFECTLY.  Seeing was incredible and the sky was totally clear!  There was a low pressure area over Luzon right now and it was mostly cloudy all day!  But it just cleared during the start of the grand slam event!  My friend Val  Abapo who was imaging around 30 miles south of me did not have the perfect seeing I had.  It was incredible that the seeing held up at around 8-9/10 througout my imaging run!  I guess praying many Memorare on the Feast of the Assumption really helped!

Other than the mutual events, Oval BA is prominent and it still has a pale orange color.  Note the cyclone NE of Oval BA.  Below is the link to the animation video:


August 14, 2021

I never expected to image today because there was a huge cloud covering the entire eastern/central Visayas due to a low pressure area.  Surprisingly, the sky cleared!  I have been praying the Memorare for clear skies tomorrow but it came a day early!  Seeing was very good except towards the end of my imaging run.

These images show the GRS which is well resolved!   Note the two bright outbreaks on the wake of the GRS and a very dark features between these two outbreaks.  The remnant of the STB outbreak has become dark in visible light but there are some bright areas at IR especially at the methane band.  The STB seem to have darkened like the rest of the southern part of Jupiter.

The Mid-EZ still has the reddish band while the NEB is very pale!

August 11, 2021

All the tropical cyclones in the West Pacific has dissipated.  I am now getting the laminar flow and good seeing.

Two red spots can be seen on these images.  The NN-LRS and the South Polar red spot.  It is interesting to note that the white oval on the NEBn is very bright in visible light and has brightened in methane band.  This is probably due to the fading on the NEB.


August 10, 2021

We had horrible weather during the last two days due to a low pressure area close to our location.  Today I had a short clearing.  I had to image early to catch the GRS.  Jupiter was only around 45 deg when I took these images.

The STB outbreak has faded and is not as bright as when I discovered on August 7.  But it is still bright in methane band.  Dark features are forming around the outbreak like what happened last year during the formation of Clyde's Spot! 

The GRS is well resolved.  Note the bright outbreak on the wake of the GRS.  Note the features inside the GRS both on the color image and on the methane band image.


August 7, 2021

Today's imaging run was a bit frustrating.  Seeing was very variable.  There were periods of good seeing and horrible seeing.  In fact all my monochrome data was  junk!  Transparency was also variable because of clouds.  I was about to give up and I was glad I persevered!    All these images were taken with a QHY462C!!

The most interesting thing about this image is the bright STB outbreak.  This is very similar to the phenomenon  my friend Clyde Foster discovered last year!  In visible light, the outbreak is not very bright but can be seen.  This is probably because this outbreak just started.

The GRS is well resolved.  Note the ring that has just passed the halo NE of the GRS.  The wake of the GRS looks very turbulent.  The NEB is very quiet and very pale. 

August 5, 2021

Condition was very poor today because of turbulence.

These images show the GRS setting.  The wake of the GRS looks active.  The chimney is close above the GRS.

August 4, 2021

After a week of monsoon weather and horrible seeing, I finally had something decent.  Seeing wasn't perfect but it was better that what I had recently.

This is the region just before the GRS.  Two small red spots can be seen, the NNTZ Little Red Spot (LRS) and the South Polar Red Spot.  The NEB and SEB look very pale.  Note the methane bright spot on the EZ just before the CM. 

Copyright 2021 Christopher Go (chris@cstoneind.com)