By Christopher Go

JUNO will arrive in Jupiter this coming July! 

All images were taken using a Celestron  C14  mounted on an Astrophysics AP900GTO mount.   I used a Celestron Skyris Protype Camera starting April 2016.  Images taken after March 30 were taken using a prototype Skyris camera.  RGB is done using a set of Chroma Technology RGB filters on a Starlight Xpress Motorized filter wheel.  Methane band images are done using a Chroma Methane Band filter (889nm  18nm bandpass).  UV images are done using a Astrodon UV filter.   Amplification is done using an Astrophysics Convertible Barlow working at 2.0X.

Image acquisition was done using  Torsten Edelmann's Firecapture 2.5beta 64bit software.  All images are NORTH UP!   The Skyris 236M camera is controlled by a Thinkpad T530 through the USB 3.0 port.  Processing was done using AutoStakkert! and Registax.

These images were taken at Banilad,  Cebu City, Philippines. 

For more information on the names of various belts and zones of Jupiter and the meaning of the abbreviations I use please check the Sky and Telescope Jupiter Observing Guide.

All images of this site are my property.  If you wish to publish it on your site or print, please email me for permission.



My old images can be viewed at:
2007 Images   2008 Images   2011 Images ALPO Archives
2009 Images   2010 Images   2012 Images ALPO Japan Jupiter Section
2013 Images   2014 Images Jupiter with my C8
Nov-Dec 2015    Jan-Feb 2016   March 2016  


July 25, 2016 

Very poor conditions today.   I had to image through clouds.  I could only capture IR images.

The NEB is quiet in this region.   The dark band on the SEBn is very prominent.

July 23, 2016 

Seeing was unstable today.  I had to start imaging in IR before sunset.   I also had to deal with some clouds.

The NEB looks quiet in this region.  The color of the NEB is very dark red.  The SEB has a very light color.  Is the SEB fading as John Rogers has commented.


July 22, 2016 

My Jupiter season is almost over.    Jupiter is very low now and already close to my roof.   Sky was mostly cloudy today and transparency was very poor.

Note the outbreak on the SEB at the CM and the dark festoons on the NEB.   Note the dark band on the SEB.


July 21, 2016 

Transparency was very poor today. 

The GRS is rising on the left.  Out the bright area on the wake of the GRS.   White Spot Z is on the NEB.  The color of the NEB is very dark. while the SEB has a very light color.

July 18, 2016 

Condition was very challenging today.  The sky was overcast and transparency was very poor!  I had second thoughts about imaging because I could barely see Jupiter with my naked eyes.

The NEB is very quiet in this region.  The color of the SEB is very light compared to the color of the NEB. 


July 17, 2016 

The sky was mostly cloudy today.  I had to image though clouds!  Seeing was good though.

Oval BA is setting on the right. The SEB is turbulent.  Note the outbreaks on the NEB.  Europa can be seen as a bright spot on the NEBn.

July 15, 2016 

Condition was  good today. 

Note the bright outbreak on the NEB!  The STB Ghost can be seen close to the CM.    The NTB looks quiet in this region. The SEB looks turbulent.


July 14, 2016 

Condition was challenging today.  Seeing was poor due to the hot roof of my house.  Transparency was also poor due to some clouds.

The GRS is almost round now!!  It's amazing how it has shrunk during the last years.   Not the bright wake of the GRS.  I don't know if there are outbreaks embedded in the bright wake but it looks a little bright in CH4.   White Spot Z is to the north of the GRS.  Oval BA is rising on the left.  The NEB is very quiet in this region.

July 11, 2016 

Monsoon season is at full swing here.  Seeing was poor and transparency was variable.

The edge of the GRS is rising on the left.  The NEB is quiet in this region.

June 20, 2016 

I wasn't sure I would image today because the sky was overcast.  When I saw Jupiter, transparency was very poor!  But seeing was very good.  I had to get 9 RGB sets to get this image to compensate for the hgh gain and low frame rate of my capture.

The GRS is well resolved.  The shape of the GRS is strange it has become more round now instead of it's usual elliptical shape.  The wake of the GRS is very turbulent.  The red Oval BA can be seen rising on the left on this image.   Io is on the SEB.  I had to add the image of Io because it was distorted during derotation.  The NEB ha a lot of rifts but no major outbreaks.  White Spot Z is north of the GRS.

June 17, 2016 

Condition was average today.  Seeing and transparency was variable because of clouds.

Callisto can be seen getting close to Jupiter.  The NEB has a strong red color, and there are a lot of rifts.  The SEB is quiet in this region.  The GRS can be seen peeking out on the left.  The NTB is active in this region.

June 16, 2016 

It was cloudy all day today.  Surprisingly, the sky cleared early this evening.  See was very good.

Oval BA is setting on the right edge while the STB Ghost is rusing on the left.  The SEB looks very turbulent.  Note the dark red bands below the ovals on the SSTB.  Lots of rifts on the dark and quiet. NEB.

June 15, 2016 

Seeing was excellent this evening.  Transparency was variable though.

The GRS is well resolved.   The STB Spectre is now past the GRS.  It has a very strong blue color.  White Spot Z rules the NB.  Note the comples features preceding this spot.  The Jovian moon Europa is on the NEB preceding the WSZ.  Note the dark band snaking on the NTB and NNTB.


June 14, 2016 

Seeing was good this evening but with periods of variable transparency.

The STB Ghost is prominent in these images.   There are bright outbreaks on the NEB.  The SEB is turbulent with wakes of the GRS.   The SSTB looks active with the interaction with the two anti-cyclonic white ovals.

June 11, 2016  Part II

Condition was much more stable when I too these images.  The CH4 image is impressive.

June 11, 2016 

Condition was good this evening.

Oval BA still has a strong orange color.  The dark halo is gone.    The wake of the GRS is very turbulent.  There are a lot of complex rift activity on the NEB.

June 10, 2016 

Seeing was average today but transparency was variable because of clouds.

The GRS is rising on the left.  The STB "Spectre" is past the GRS now.   Note the bright spot on the SEB at the CM.  The White Spot Z is rising on the right north of the GRS.   The NEB is active south of the WSZ.   The NTB is active in this region.

June 7, 2016 

It rained hard this evening.   After the rain there was a clearing but there was still thin clouds.  Seeing was variable and transparency poor.  Humidity was also a problem.

There are a lot of rift activity in the NEB.   The STB Ghost is setting on the right.


June 4, 2016 

Very poor conditions today.  It was mostly cloudy but with a small clearing.  I was fortunate to salvage this image. 

Io can be seen on the NEBs on the left.  The STB Ghost can be seen rising on the left.  The SEB looks very turbulent.  The NEB is quiet in this region.


June 3, 2016 

Condition was very poor today.   Seeing was unstable and transparency was poor.

The GRS is setting on this image.  The wake of the GRS is very complex.  The STB "Spectre" is now past the GRS.  Oval BA can be seen rising on the left.

Ganymede is just above the NEB.  White Spot Z is north of the GRS.

May 31, 2016 

Just arrived after a long flight from Los Angeles.   Monsoon season is back here in the Philippines.  It was mostly cloudy today but had a short clearing.  Seeing was variable and transparency was very poor!

There is a bright outbreak on the NEB.  The GRS is rising on the left.   Note the dark bands on the NTB.

May 16, 2016 

They are doing cloud seeding again tonight.  Why do they have to time it when I am imaging Jupiter!  Seeing was excellent but clouds rolled in after I took 4 sets of RGB.  This will be my last image for the month as I am flying to Toronto tomorrow to give a Planetary Imaging class for the Canadian Astrophotography School at London Ontario.

The STB Ghost can be seen just past the CM.  The SEB is very turbulent.  There are complex rifts on the NEB.  Note a new anti-cyclonic white spot seem to be forming on the NEBn at the CM.  Ganymede can be seen on the right. This is from a single capture superimposed at the actual position.


May 15, 2016 

I just arrived from Nice/Paris to attend the Juno Amateur Workshop.  I was only able to capture a set of RGB before clouds rolled in.  I was too tired to wait for the clouds to clear up.

The GRS has a very strong red color.  Note the small pink spot embedded in the STB "Spectre", this spot is very bright!  The wake of the GRS is very turbulent!  Oval BA is rising on the left.

The STB is quiet in this region.  The White Spot Z is prominent.  Note the dark red tadpole like feature on the NTB.


May 4, 2016 

Condition was variable this evening.   I will be travelling to Italy and France tomorrow for the workshop for amateur planetary imagers who will be supporting the Juno Spacecraft.

The STB Ghost can be seen in this region.  The SEB is very turbulent here.   Note the bright outbreak on the NEB close to the CM.

May 3, 2016 

Seeing was good today.

GRS is well resolved in these images.  Note the dark spots and the tiny cyclones inside the GRS.  The central core is dark red.  The wake of the GRS is very complex.  The South Polar Red Spot can be seen directly south of the GRS.

White Spot Z is promiennet on the NEBn.  This spot is still dark in methane band.

May 2, 2016 

Condition was perfect this evening. 

The STB ghost is close to the CM.    The SEB is turbulent.  The NEB has a lot of rift activity and a bright outbreak. 

May 1, 2016 

I was able to scrape just one RGB today.   Sky was mostly cloudy but got a small break.  Seeing was good.  This is just a single RGB w/o any derotation.

Oval BA is setting on the right.   The NEB is quiet in this region.  The SEB is very turbulent.


April 30 2016  The Great Red Spot

April 30 2016  Part II

Seeing improved on this second session of the night.  Image are a lot sharper due to the new Barlow I am using.  The reason why blue doesn't focus with the rest is not because of the previous Barlow, but because of the corrector of the SCT.  It seems that the Astrophysics Advance Convertible Barlow corrects this problem!  Now the blue is focused with the rest of the colors producing a sharper overall image!

The GRS is well resolved in these images.  Note the dark red core and the small vortices inside the GRS.  The bluish STB Ghost like feature is now very close to the GRS.  Note the small pink spot is below the GRS.  The wake of the GRS is very complex.

White Spot Z dominates the NEBn.  The NEB has complex rifts.

April 30 2016  Part I

This is the first part of the imaging run tonight.  The second part will feature the Great Red Spot..  Seeing and transparency was variable tonight.

The GRS is rising in these images.  The NEB is narrow in this region.  The NTB is active here.

April 29, 2016 

Transparency was so poor today due to clouds.  Seeing was average.

The SEB is very turbulent due to the wake of the GRS.  Oval BA can be seen on the western edge.  The SEB is dark and narrow in this region.


April 28, 2016 

Seeing was average today but still unstable.  Transparency was poor.  I had a late imaging run because I had to attend an activity.  Tomio was imaging with my telescope while I was away.

The GRS is well resolved.  Note the dark streak surround the halo and the SEB.  The wake of the GRS is very turbulent.  Oval BA is peeking on the left.

White Spot Z is on the NEBn.  Outbreaks are starting to form on the NEB.  Note the dark red ovals following WSZ.

April 27, 2016 

The sky was mostly cloudy today.  There was a small clearing.  I was able to capture 2 sets of RGB before Jupiter was under the clouds again.  Seeing was great!

The STB Ghost seems to be interacting with a dark oval on the SSTB.    Note the bright outbreak on the STB and the interaction of the EZ festoon with the NEB.


April 26, 2016 

Condition was poor today because of high altitude turbulence.   I also had to deal with passing clouds.

The GRS is setting and has an impressive wake.   Oval BA is well resolved with it's red ring.  Note the dark round ovals on the NEB.

April 25, 2016 

Seeing was good today.  

Lots of rifts on the NEB.  The SEB is very active in this region.  The STB Ghost can be seen setting on the right.  This feature is very dark in Methane band.


April 24, 2016 

Seeing was good today.  I finally got to use the Astrophysics Advance Convertible Barlow on Jupiter.  My images are now much sharper than before.  The only problem I have now is the image scale is just too large.  Will try to find a way to scale this down.

Oval BA is setting on the right.  The dark red ring is still prominent.  The features following Oval  BA are very dark in methane band. The NEB is quiet in this region.   The wake of the GRS can be seen at the SEBs.

April 23, 2016  GRS

April 23, 2016 

Seeing was variable at the start of my imaging run but improved as Jupiter got higher.

The GRS is well resolved.  The edge of the GRS touching the SEB is very dark!  The wake of the GRS is still very turbulent.   White Spot Z is prominent on the NEBn.  This spot is still very methane dark.  The STB Ghost like feature is now under the GRS!   The small pink spot is still there.  The south polar red spot is now very low contrast.

April 21, 2016 

Seeing was variable today.  The GRS is well resolved.  The dark core and the dark band edge is resolved.  There is a dark feature between the GRS and the SEB wake.  The SEB wake is very complex.   Note the STB ghost like feature with it's small pink spot is about to have a conjunction with the GRS.  The south polar red spot can be seen below the GRS.

The White Spot Z is prominent on the NEBn. This feature is clearly dark in Methane Band which is puzzling because this spot is an anticyclone and was once a methane bright spot!   The NEB has a lot of rift acitivity.

April 20, 2016 

Seeing was better today.

Note the outbreak on the NEB setting on the right.  A lot of rift on the NEB in this region.  The NTB is very active in this region.

THe GRS is rising on the left on the second image.

April 19, 2016 

Just arrived from my trip to the US.  It was great to meet a lot of friends at NEAIC and NEAF.  I was very drowsy when I took these images.   Condition was not great.  Winds were very gusty and seeing was variable.  Jupiter was dancing around the FOV!

Io can be seen transiting on the NEB.  The NEB is very quiet in this region.  The SEB continues to be very active.  Oval BA can be seen setting on the right.  Europa is just about to transit Jupiter. 

April 2, 2016 

Seeing was variable this evening but with periods of good seeing.

Oval BA is well resolved in these images.   Note the small dark spots following Oval BA.  They are merging as I had predicted 2 days ago!

The wake of the GRS is very turbulent.  The NEB is wide and dark in this region.  Note two bright outbreaks on the NEB.  Interestingly these outbreaks are not bright in CH4. 

April 1, 2016 

GRS Close up...  Note the features inside the GRS.  The dark core is well resolved and note the dark streaks and tiny ovals inside the GRS.  This image was deprojected using Winjupos and is a compilation of around 30min of derotated data.


April 1, 2016 

Condition was close to perfect today.  Finally perfected the setting of the new prototype camera.  

The GRS is well resolved in these images.   The wake of the GRS continues to be very turbulent.  The STB Ghost like feature is getting close to the GRS.  The pink oval embedded in this feature is still there.

 White Spot Z can be seen north of the GRS.  Note the bright point outbreak on the NEB north of the GRS.  And the SPR red spot is south of the GRS. 

Copyright 2016 Christopher Go (chris@cstoneind.com)