By Christopher Go

All images were taken using a Celestron  C14  mounted on an Astrophysics AP900GTO mount.  A QHY 290M camera was used is these images.    RGB is done using a set of Chroma Technology RGB filters on a Starlight Xpress Motorized filter wheel.  Methane band images are done using a Chroma Methane Band filter (889nm  18nm bandpass).  UV images are done using a Astrodon UV filter.   Amplification is done using an Astrophysics Advance Convertible Barlow working at 2.0X.

Image acquisition was done using  Torsten Edelmann's Firecapture 2.5beta 64bit software.  All images are NORTH UP!     Processing was done using AutoStakkert! and Registax.

These images were taken at Banilad,  Cebu City, Philippines. 

For more information on the names of various belts and zones of Jupiter and the meaning of the abbreviations I use please check the Sky and Telescope Jupiter Observing Guide.

All images of this site are my property.  If you wish to publish it on your site or print, please email me for permission.



My old images can be viewed at:
2007 Images   2008 Images   2011 Images ALPO Archives
2009 Images   2010 Images   2012 Images ALPO Japan Jupiter Section
2013 Images   2014 Images   2015 Images Jupiter with my C8
2016 Images   2018 Images   2019 Images  

EARLY 2020



November 15, 2020

Condition was very poor today.  I was only able to capture IR and CH4 data.  The RGB data was very bad.

The GRS and Oval BA can be seen in these images.  The wake of the GRS looks active.


November 13, 2020

It has been quite a while since my last image of my old friend.  Jupiter is getting low in the sky and I had to image right after sunset.  Seeing was a bit unstable.

The GRS can be seen on the right.  The wake is very active with two outbreaks visible.  The EZ shows a very strong ochre color.  The NEB is active with complex rifts while the NTB/NTrZ has become sold red!  Note the two ovals on the NNTZ which are right next to each other. These tow are prominent in Methane band.  Io can be seen on the EZn on the left.

October 22, 2020

It has been a while since I last imaged Jupiter.  Condition this evening was terrible.  I was only able to capture 3 sets in poor seeing and transparency.

The GRS looks  very elliptical compared to the near circular shape most of this year.   Oval BA is moving away from the GRS.


October 5, 2020

Seeing was variable this evening with a period of good seeing.  I finally had a clear night.  I also tested a new methane band filter which comes with the QHY462C camera.  This filter has a 10nm bandpass vs the 16nm bandpass of the Chroma filter that I had been using.

The NTB is now forming a dark red band from the tail of the outbreak.  This can be seen in the region above the GRS.  Note the huge bright red feature on the NNTZ.  What is this?  The NEB is very chaotic as it interacts with the wake of the NTB Outbreak.

The GRS is well resolved.  There seems to be a small spot on the west side inside the GRS.  Is the chimney above the GRS close?  In the methane band image it looks open but the RGB image it seems to be blocked.  Oval BA is still mostly white with some features resolved inside.  The volcanic moon Io can be seen transiting over the EZn on the last image.  Note that the EZ has a very strong ochre hue.

October 2, 2020

Transparency was poor today due to clouds.  Seeing was below average.

These images show the NTB Outbreak #1.  It is now closing in on the tail where it will dissipate.   This might happen in the next 2 days.   The NEB is dark and wide and has some complex rifting.


October 1, 2020

Condition was poor today.  Seeing is unstable and transparency was poor due to clouds.

The region shows the wake of the STB Outbreaks interacting the the NEB.  The SEB is quiet in this region.  Note the wavy methane bright  band on the EZ.  This seem to correspond to the ochre band on the mid-EZ.

September 30, 2020

Seeing was okay but transparency was very poor because I had to image through clouds.  Transparency was so poor that I am limited to a RGB image.

The NTB Outbreak #1 is at the right edge while the wake shows the complex dark barges.  The NEB is very chaotic with complex rifts.   The EZ shows a reddish ochre hue.  The GRS looks very round! Note the chimney above the GRS is open.  Oval BA is now moving away from the GRS.

September 29, 2020

Seeing was poor today due to monsoon winds. 

The wake of the NTB outbreak is very chaotic and interaction between this wake and the NEBn can be seen.  The EZ has a strong reddish hue.  Note the methane dark region on the NTB.

September 28, 2020

Condition was variable today. Seeing was mostly very bad except for a brief period when the seeing became very stable.  Transparency was also variable due to clouds.

The GRS and Oval BA are prominent in these images.  Note the reddish streak on the p side of the GRS.  There seems to be something blocking the "chimney" above the GRS.   The NTB Outbreak #1 is still going strong.  The wake it left is very chaotic with some parts interacting with the NEBn!  Io can also be seen transiting over Jupiter.

September 25, 2020

Seeing was variable today with periods of good seeing.  Seeing was mostly bad because of the SW monsoon winds.  Transparency was poor as I had to image though clouds.

The first images show the tail of the NTB Outbreak #2.  On my second run, the GRS, Oval BA and the NTB Outbreak #1 can be seen.  In a few days, the NTO #1 will hit the tail of NTO#2 where it will dissipate.  The NEB continues to be very chaotic with complex rifts.

The SEB is more quiet and pale on its southern half.  The GRS shows some flaking and the chimney above is open.  Oval BA's dark ring is prominent .

September 23, 2020

Condition was very challenging today. Seeing was very unstable and  transparency was poor.

These images show the GRS, Oval BA and the NTZ Outbreak #1.  The days of this outbreak is numbered as it approaches the tail of Outbreak #2.

September 19, 2020

After a week of heavy rains, I had high hopes for today because it was clear all day.  Unfortunately, clouds started to roll in during my imaging run.  Seeing was unstable at first but improved but clouds were frustrating my imaging effort.

The first image shows the first NTB outbreak.  The tail of this outbreak is very long and covers more than half of the planet!  The wake is very chaotic.  The second RGB image shows interactions between the wake of the outbreak and the NEB!  This would contrast with the very quiet SEB.  Unfortunately, I was unable to obtain a methane band image on my second run.  The sky was already overcast!

September 13, 2020

I did not expect to image today.  The sky was overcast all day.  In fact, looking at the satellite image, it was clouds all over the Visayas. I had two imaging runs today.  The fist was taken in an opening in the direction of Jupiter.  After an hour, the sky cleared!  Seeing was average but transparency was poor due to clouds and haze.

Jupiter is very busy these days.  In the first images, we can see the tail end of the first NTB outbreak with the 3rd  outbreak closing in.  Unfortunately, similar to previous occurrences of these type of outbreaks, the 3rd outbreak would die when it reaches the tail of the first outbreak.  Note the small bright spots on the tail of the first outbreak.  Are these anti-cyclones?

On the second run, we can see the GRS, Oval BA and the 2nd outbreak.  The 2nd outbreak has really developed and it looks stunning!  The GRS and Oval BA are very well resolved.  Note the interesting dark band that starts from the North of the GRS all the way through the "chimney".

September 8, 2020

Seeing was variable today but with periods of good seeing.  Transparency was not great due to haze and clouds.

The NTB is really hyperactive now.  Yesterday, the 3rd outbreak on the NTB Jetstream has appeared this time above the GRS.  The first outbreak is really complex and chaotic as shown in the first image.  The 3rd outbreak is very intense!   Congrats to Andy Casely for the discovery!  The 2nd outbreak can be seen rising on the last images the day.

The NEB is also very active with complex rifts.   The GRS is well resolved and the chimney above it is open!  The dark ring inside Oval BA is very prominent now.

September 6, 2020

Seeing was very bad when I started imaging.  But it suddenly turned perfect as Jupiter got higher.

Lots of things going on in Jupiter.  In the first image we can see that tail end of the first NTB Outbreak.  Note the very last dark feature on this tail.  This feature brightened in methane band as it approached the limb.  An earlier image did not show any bright feature in that area.  Images 10 hrs after did not show any significant brightening in this area so it is a mystery as to why this brightened.

The GRS and Oval BA are well resolved.  In the methane band, there is a dark bar inside the GRS!  The dark ring inside Oval BA is resolved.  This ring seems to have a faint orange tinge.  On the last images, the NTB Outbreak 2 is rising on the left.

September 4, 2020

Seeing was very unstable today.   Transparency was poor due to haze and thin clouds.  I had two imaging sessions to image the GRS and the NTB Outbreak #2.

The GRS has some flaking on the both sides.  The "chimney" above the GRS is open.  Oval BA is very pale.  The dark ring is not resolved due to seeing conditions.   The NTB Jetstream Outbreak #2 is developing the same way as the first outbreak.  It would be interesting to see this hit the tail of the first outbreak where it will die..

September 3, 2020

Condition was surprisingly good today.  But there were periods of unstable seeing.

These images show the development of the first NTB Jetstream Outbreak!   It has developed into a huge complex system with multiple anticyclones on its wake.   Dark material continue to be forming on its wake.   It would be interesting to see what happens when the second outbreak hits the tail end of the first outbreak!

September 2, 2020

A new NTB jetstream outbreak has appeared in Jupiter.  This storm was discovered by Eric Sussenbach 10 hours ago!  Congratulations Eric for this discover!

The sky here was OVERCAST!    I would have gone to bed if it were not for this new outbreak.  I had to image through clouds!  Transparency was poor and seeing was average.

These images show the new NTB outbreak close to the CM!  Like the other outbreak this will ride the fierce NTB jetstream.  The NEB shows the chaotic upheaval it has occurred this year.   The SEB looks pale in this region.


September 1, 2020

I spent 2 hours imaging today and most of my data was junk.  In this monsoon weather where we have winds from the SW (which is over the mountains), getting good seeing is tough. But I discovered a sweet spot where seeing becomes stable.  It is a 30 min window when Jupiter is around its peak altitude.

Incredible details are seen in the NTB jetstream outbreak.  It is now very elongated and dark material and some anti-cyclonic ovals are clearly seen on the wake.  The GRS is well resolved.  In the methane band, aside from the bright core, there is a bright spot on the NE side of the GRS core. 

There is a dark orange ring inside Oval BA!  Will this spot turn red again?  It is starting to act like it was in 2005.


August 31, 2020

Condition was unstable today.  Seeing was variable but with with good periods.  Transparency was poor due to haze and clouds.

The NEB is very active in this region.  There are a lot of complex rifts.  The NEB has become dark and wide.  The SEB is very pale in this region.  Note the methane bright region just below the north polar hood.


August 26, 2020

Seeing was horrible when I started imaging but improved later on.  The methane band images were taken with a QHY462C camera.

The NEB is very active in this region especially in the region close to the CM.   In Methane band, two dark probably cyclonic ovals are resolved.   Note the circulation feature on the STB.

August 25, 2020

Tonight's session was a bit frustrating.   Seeing was very variable.  There were moments of excellent seeing and moments where the image was just much!  The sky was partially cloudy and haze so transparency was poor and I had to image between clouds!   The QHY462C camera continues to impress.  The methane band image below is just incredible!

These images show a very active Jupiter.  The NEB Jetstream outbreak  looks just incredible!  It is big now and moving very fast!   The tail end is now showing dark material similar to what happened to the previous NTB outbreaks!  The outbreak now has two tails.

The GRS is well resolved and the Oval BA is very close to the GRS now.  The "chimney" above the GRS is colose but seems to be opening up again.  The wake the GRS shows some outbreaks.  The NEB is very turbulent and shows complex rifts.   The south polar red spot is below Oval BA.

August 24, 2020

Seeing and transparency was much better today compared to yesterday.  Transparency was still not perfect due haze.   The methane band  and the IR850 images were taken using a QHY462 camera.

The interesting feature on these images in the huge methane dark spot  on the NEB.   The corresponding IR and color counterpart of this feature is well resolved showing small cyclones and anticylones.  Is this feature associated to a bright outbreak on the right.  On the STB, there is a circulation that is dark on all wavelengths.  Is this the STB Ghost?  The SEB looks very pale in this region.

August 23, 2020

Condition was poor this evening.  Seeing was very unstable and transparency was very poor due to clouds and haze.   I used two cameras to image.  The IR850 and the second methane band images were taken with the QHY462 camera.

The GRS and Oval BA are very prominent on these images.  Both spots are almost in conjunction.  The chimney above the GRS seem to be opening again.  The wake of the GRS shows some outbreak.   The south polar red spot can be seen below Oval BA.

The NTB jetstream outbreak has grown and looks like a tadpole now.   Note the dark material appearing on the f side of the outbreak.


August 21, 2020

Seeing was very unstable today. 

I was able to catch the NTB jetstream outbreak.  This system seem to have developed a "tail" which is obvious in the IR image.    This outbreak is very bright in all visible and NIR wavelengths.  The SEB looks very pale in this region.

August 20, 2020

Monsoon season is in full swing here in my area.  Days of rain and thunderstorm.  I wasn't sure I could image today because it  rained most of the day.  Surprisingly there was a brief period of clearing.  Seeing was surprisingly good despite the SW winds.  Transparency was however very poor due to clouds.  Unfortunately my imaging run was cut short because of clouds and a threat of thunderstorm.

The new NTB outbreak which was discovered by Isao Miyasaki is rising on the left.  This feature has now become elongated and is very bright!  The GRS and Oval BA are almost in conjunction!  There seems to be a "flake" on the SW side of the GRS.  The NEB is also very active in this region with complex rifts.  

August 11, 2020

I was able to dry my OTA this morning by putting it under the sun and using a vacuum to suck out the moisture.  Seeing was average today but transparency was poor due to clouds.

This is the region after the GRS.  The NEB is very active in this region.  There are complex rifts and outbreaks.  Note the bright wave pattern on the EZn which is prominent on the methane band.  The SEB is very pale in this region.  The dark moon Callisto can be seen just above the NTB. 


August 10, 2020

It has been 2 weeks since my last image.  Monsoon is at full swing here in Cebu.  Unfortunately, my telescope cover got ripped in one of the thunderstorms.  When I imaged today, I was surprised why Jupiter was so dim.  When I looked into the OTA, it was all wet inside!  Seeing was average but transparency was very low!

The GRS is rising on the left.  Note the that area where Clyde's spot appeared is now a dark smudge.   The SEB is very pale.  The NEB shows complex rifts and outbreaks.


July 26, 2020

The sky was overcast all day.  But in the evening I had a few minutes window before an approaching thunderstorm.  I was fortunate to get enough data for the Juno's target area for PJ28.   Seeing was average while transparency was variable due to clouds.

The NEB shows the chaotic upheaval.  The White Spot Z can be seen embedded in upheaval of the NEB. The SEB is quiet in this region.    The small NTB oval will will be imaged by Juno can be seen just past the CM.


July 25, 2020

I received a message from Frank Cesarski that a huge thunderstorm was headed my way.   He wasn't kidding.  Although the southern half of the sky was clear, the N, NE and E had huge thunderstorms!  I rushed to do image Jupiter and had 5 minutes to spare before the storm arrived. Seeing and transparency was good.

The GRS and Oval BA are setting on the right.   The wake of the GRS dominates the SEB.  But the rest of the SEB is pale and calm.  Note a red spot close to the south pole.  The NEB is very chaotic due probably to the current upheaval.  Note the large white spot on the NNTZ with what seems to be a small oval attached to it on its SSW side.


July 24, 2020

I had an exciting imaging run today.  It was hazy so transparency was poor but seeing was good.  The exciting part was an approaching thunderstorm.  So I just took whatever data I could before the first drop of rain arrives.

Ganymede is prominent in these images.   One can see details on Ganymede.  The GRS is rising on the left.  The SEB shows the turbulence from the GRS.   The NEB looks quiet in this region but one can still see dark materials spreading up to the northern limits of the NEB.  The NNTZ LRS looks a bit faded in these images.  It is not a red a before.


July 23, 2020

Condition was a bit challenging today due to clouds.  Seeing was okay but I had to image through clouds.

The NEB shows complex activity associated with the current upheaval.  The SEB is very pale in this region.


July 22, 2020

It was mostly overcast when I starting imaging.  If it wasn't for the GRS, I would have gone to bed.  I had to use autohistogram feature of Firecapture because transparency was really crazy.  It would go for 1-3/5 in a second.  The clouds cleared up later in my run but transparency was still very poor.  Seeing was excellent though.

The GRS is very well resolved.  Note the flaking of the NW side of the GRS.  There is also a small dark spot of the W side of the GRS.  The outbreak on the wake of the GRS is very active!  Something seems to be brewing inside Oval BA.  The middle of Oval BA has become a little dark.  It is also dimmed a little in methane band.  Note the area between the GRS and Oval BA looks very active in the Methane band image.

The south polar red spot can be seen below Oval BA.  The NEB upheaval is still active.  And the NNTZ LRS can be seen setting on the upper right.



July 20, 2020

The sky was overcast all day.  Surprisingly the sky cleared at 10pm!  Seeing was variable but became perfect as Jupiter got higher.  I had two session of Jupiter today.  The second set was captured after imaging Saturn.

The GRS is setting on the right.  The wake of the GRS is very turbulent.   Oval BA is getting closer to the GRS.  The NEB has complex rifts.  The upheaval on the NEB is still ongoing.  Note the red spot close to the south pole.

July 18, 2020

I never expected to image today.  The satellite image showed a high clouds over my region.   Seeing and transparency was very poor.

These image show the NEB upheaval!   The complexity of the NEB is something I have never seen before.  The SEB looks very quiet in this region and very pale.


July 17, 2020

Seeing was variable today.

The GRS is very well resolved.  There are two small white spots inside the GRS.  There is also a "flake" like extension on the f side of the GRS.  The wake of the GRS is very active while the chimney above the GRS is still open.  Oval BA is approaching the GRS.  The area where "Clyde's Spot" appeared has become very dark.  The NEB shows a complex mix of the reddish and dark clouds.  The NNTZ LRS can also be seen.

July 16, 2020

Condition was poor today.

The NEB upheaval is very evident in this region.   While the SEB is very pale.  Note the strange feature on the STB which is bright in methane band.  Is it a new oval forming?

July 14, 2020

Today is Jupiter's opposition day!  Fortunately, I was able to take some images of Jupiter although the sky conditions here was very frustrating.  First off, half the sky was clear while the other half had intermittent clouds.  Jupiter just happened to be on the cloudy side.  Seeing and transparency was variable and I had to image between clouds.

The NEB shows the chaotic upheaval!    Complex rifts and outbreaks can be see with the dark material on the NEB.  The SEBn  shows the turbulence from the GRS.  The GRS can be seen rising on the second image.


July 11, 2020

The sky was mostly clear when I started imaging.  But out of nowhere, clouds started to form overhead.  I was only able to get enough RGB for this image.  Seeing was average but transparency was very poor.

This image shows a very chaotic NEB and a quiet SEB.  The NEB shows outbreaks and complex rifts.  Dark black clouds can be seen all over the belt.   While the SEB is very pale and calm. 


July 10, 2020

I had a crazy session today.  The sky was mostly cloudy with thin clouds over Jupiter.  There was an approaching thunder storm.  Seeing and transparency was poor.

Oval BA is approaching the GRS.  One could see rifts on both sides of the GRS.  The chimney above the GRS is still open.  The wake of the GRS shows a bright outbreak.   Oval BA is very pale.  The NEB looks quiet in this region.


July 9, 2020

I did not expect to image today.  A new camera arrived (QHY 462C).  The sky was overcast early this evening until the time I slept.  But the sky cleared during midnight!  The QHY 462 is a high NIR QE camera!  Seeing was good most of the time but deteriorated when I took my last image.  The color image was take with a 290M while the IR850 and CH4 images are taken with the new camera.

This is the quiet side of Jupiter before the GRS.   The NEB is quiet in this region.   The resolution of the methane band image is much better than my old camera and it only took half the time to capture these data!

July 7, 2020

I had to image early today because clouds were coming.  Seeing was below average and transparency was poor.

The SEBs is pale in this region.   The SEBn shows the turbulence from the GRS.   The NEB is quiet in this region.  The GRS is rising on the left.

July 6, 2020

Seeing was perfect today despite the poor transparency due to clouds.

The NEB is very active in this region.  Complex rifts and outbreaks.  The NEBn has a lot of dark materials.  The feeston on the EZ is very complex.  SEB is quiet in this region.  In the SEBn, there is a small bright spot in methane band.  A lot of details can be resolved from the temperate zones to the poles.

July 5, 2020

Monsoon here is in full swing.  I had a clearing today.   Seeing was good but transparency was poor.

The GRS is well resolved.  Some flaking can be see on both the p and f sides.  The chimney above the GRS is open.  The wake of the GRS is very active.  Oval BA is rising on the left.  A dark ring can be seen inside.  The South Polar Red Spot can also be seen below Oval BA.  The NEB still looks strange with the dark clouds mixing with the red clouds.  The NNTZ LRS is prominent.

June 30, 2020

Monsoon is here.  It has been raining here for the past week.  The sky was mostly cloudy today.  I was imaging through an opening in the clouds.  Seeing was variable and transparency was very poor.

The GRS is well resolved in these images.  The dark core and some small ovals can be seen inside the GRS.  There is a dark oval NE of the GRS.  The "flake" is on the p side of the GRS.   The chimney above the GRS is open.  The wake of the GRS shows complex outbreaks.  Clyde's spot seem to be gone and a dark streak can be seen.  Note the very dark spot south of the GRS.  Oval BA is rising on the left and is approaching the GRS.

The NEBs is very dark red while the NEBn still shows the disturbance that started earlier this year.  There is a small white spot SW of the NNTZ LRS.

Copyright 2017 Christopher Go (chris@cstoneind.com)